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Have you ever met someone that can stare at a picture, a painting, a sculpture , listen to music,  or watch a performance and just understand it completely. The choice of colour, tone or facial expression. They can feel what the work of art is presenting and can read what that feeling is.

I'm not that person, some things that I can relate to maybe, I'm far from the person that can just understand the artistic sense and feeling that goes into a artistic project.

However, I can understand the beauty of nature. Sitting in a forest in the middle of the day listening to running streams and listening to the trees move in the wind or a birds call. I understand the beauty in sitting outside on a cool night and starting at the stars and just admiring the beauty of the universe from afar. That I understand.

Aesthete is someone with that deep sensitivity to the beauty of nature or art. Though there really is at least a sliver of beauty in everything.

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