The Beginning

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It was the Year of the Dragon. Every 12 years a new generation of dragons is born, but the rare purple dragon is born once every ten generations. The Dragon Temple where the eggs were kept, was attacked by dark forces, on instinct the fire guardian, Ignitus put the purple egg into a bed by the river and sent it to float down somewhere safe. "May the Ancestors look after you. May they look after us all." Ignitus said hopeful that the egg would be safe, wherever it was going. The egg floated all the way to a swamp where two dragonflies Flash and Nina happened to come across the purple egg and adopted it and raised it with their own newborn son Sparx. 12 years later, the purple dragon named Spyro is now playing hide and seek with his dragonfly brother Sparx. "8...9...10 Here I come!" Spyro exclaims while Sparx hides. "You'll never catch me this time, purple boy!" Sparx said overconfident as usual, Spyro chases him until Sparx thinks he outwitted his adopted dragon brother. "I see you my little glowing friend" Spyro says with pride. "Seeing and catching are two different things big boy" Sparx says as he flies off. "Yeah you better run!" Spyro exclaims with a bit of anger in his voice, Sparx always made this hard on Spyro since he could fly and Spyro couldn't. "What's the matter little Spyro can't fly, ahhh, that's right you walk everywhere. Mmm that's too bad." Sparx taunts. "You're toast when I catch you!" Spyro said while chasing Sparx. Soon they came across a strange creature, but Sparx didn't see it because he was still taunting Spyro "Aaah, it must be tough to lose all the time Sp-... Ahhh," Sparx screams as the creature eats him. "Alright let me out of here you overgrown fungus! Spyro, seriously, led me a hand here will ya brother." Sparx yells from inside the creature. "Geez, Sparx, I don't know. Frog Weeds gotta eat too." Spyro says enjoying the moment. "Spyro whack it! Do something. I'm your buddy, my wing are getting moldy.'' It takes a few tries but Spyro finally gets the Frog Weed to spit out Sparx. "Ugh now I smell almost as bad as you do. Ooh and that's pretty bad see ya later sucka." Sparx taunts as he flies away. "So much for gratitude." Spyro grumbles as he follows Sparx. After almost an hour of chasing and near miss hit on Sparx, the dragon and the dragonfly arrive at a cave that looks like a snake head. "Hey, that's cheating! We're not allowed in there!" Spyro said, his voice filled with worry. "Pfft... excuses, excuses. Catch up or give up, chunky!" Sparx says as he flees inside the cave, with Spyro reluctant to follow. "Where's that little gnat gone now" Spyro wonders because Sparxs usual yellow glow gives him away. "Has anyone seen a giant purple thing around here? I seem to have lost mine." Sparx says while looking for his adopted brother, but little did he know Spyro was sneaking up on him. "Boo." Spyro said. "AAAHHH" Sparx screamed. "Don't scare me like that dude." "Sorry couldn't help it." Spyro admitted, Sparx was the easiest to scare and Spyro loved it when he could scare Sparx."You know this is getting a little boring...ahh...AHHH!" he exclaims as he gets captured by apes. "Sparx!" Spyro yelled worried about his brother. "I thought all youz guys was gone." the ape leader known as Gaul, says holding Sparx in a lantern case. "You miserable coward, let me go!" Sparx yelled at the ape leader. But Gaul just laughs. "Don't let him get away." He orders his followers. "Bring it on." Spyro challenges. As the apes jumped down from the platform Spyro charged them with his horns, some apes landed a few hits on Spyro, but he was determined to get Sparx back. "Let me outta here and fight me like a...thing...whatever you are. You pathetic wretch." Sparx says as Gaul jumps down to face Spyro himself. Gaul smashes the ground as Spyro dodges and counters with a tail whip and a headbutt, stuned Gaul threatens to squish Sparx. "I've had about enough of you!" he says while lifting his foot over the lantern case holding Sparx. "Sparx, look out! NOOOOOO...." Spyro exclaims as flames leave his mouth singeing the fur on Gaul's chest and arm. "Wha.... Hoo.. was that fire dude?" Sparx asked clearly confused by what just happened. "Take care of 'em...I gotta report to Cynder!" Gaul says as he retreats and five more apes jump down to challenge Spyro, he made short work of them with charge attacks, tail whips and his new fire breath. "Get me outta here Spyro...I think my wings are singed." Sparx says impatiently, with one flick of Spyro's tail the trap breaks open and Sparx is free. "You OK?" Spyro askes. "You almost torched me dude. breathed fire!"

Hey I'm back sorry I haven't been updating "The Death of Spider-Man" lately I've had my hands full with this one and with school starting back up it's kind of a mess right now. but I hope you all will enjoy this new story and give me feedback, I really would like to hear what you guys have to say.  

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