Life Changes

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Spyro and Sparx then tell their parents what had just occurred. "So I'm just about ready to blow the top off that place and kick that guy's booty, when Spyro let loose with some serious flame, dude... No joke. Flames. From the mouth." "I was just trying to help." Spyro insisted. "Some help, you nearly turned me to ashes, dude. Mom, Dad, you should have seen him. He came out breathing fire...alright? I tell you it was crazy!" Sparx exclaimed Nina and Flash exchange looks of surprise and sadness. "You don't believe me? Spyro tell'em." Sparx urged "It's true, Dad. I swear. I just got real mad, opened my mouth, and whoosh....flame city." Both Spyro and Sparx were almost certain that their parents didn't believe them, but then Flash said something that surprised both Spyro and Sparx. "It's not that, Spyro. I believe you both. It's just that your mother and I knew this day would come." Flash replied. Sparx was surprised that they believed them, but Spyro on the other hand was confused about what his father just said. "What day?" Spyro asked. "The day when we would have to tell you the truth." And that was the day Spyro learned that he was not a dragonfly after all, but an exile from a place where wars raged on. " mean....I'm not your real son?" Spyro asked, shocked by what he just heard. "You are our real son." Nina explained. "It's just that you came from somewhere else. Far away, where wars rage on and on, and the innocent seem to always pay the price." After hearing this news, Spyro didn't know what to think, but the next day he ventured forth to find his true home, but Sparx had other ideas. "So that's it, huh?" Sparx said, thinking their brother-like friendship was over. "Leaving Sparx behind at the old homestead? Not a care in the world, don't look back." Spyro hadn't even considered how crushed Sparx would be if he left, but he also knew that he had to find his true home. "This is your home, Sparx." Spyro tried to explain to his brother, understanding that he probably wouldn't get it. "But I just found out that my home is out there somewhere...and I've got to find it. Besides, I'm not leaving you behind. I'm just leaving you where you belong." But Sparx felt as if he should come along because he and Spyro were inseparable "Well I thought I belonged with you, 'coz I'm always with you. But I guess I was wrong, huh? I'm sure I'm wrong on a lot of things. You know what? You're right, I'm wrong." Spyro lowered his head in sadness, he wanted Sparx to come but he also felt it was better to leave him in the swamp. "Don't worry about him, Spyro. You know how hot headed he can be. You'll see him when you get back. Now, now, son. Keep your head up, your nose clean, and use that breath of yours wisely. All gifts come with a price." Flash told his adopted son. Both Flash and Nina were hurt to see their son leave but they knew that he had to find his true home. "Don't listen to your father's preaching, Spyro. Just be yourself. It's all any of us can do." Nina said to Spyro, at heart they both were trying to motivate him to journey on, which Spyro did to where he did not know, but little did he know a yellow glowing annoyance was going to come with him whether he liked it or not.

Well Spyro's off on his journey to find his true home, now the big question is will he find it or not, well I mean I know and most of you who have played these games knows what happens but those who do not you are in for a surprise.  


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