Part 2 OmG! sO SAd!

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One day later. I forced mY DoG TO BE VEgAN AGAiN ANd TheN MY dOg CAmE To LiFe oMG!1!1 MY dOg wAS WAY SeXieR thAN JorObE. I MADe oUt wIth mY dOg ANd JOrOBE WaLKeD iN my ROOoOoM! Omg JOrOBE! itS NOt WhAT IT lOOks LikE! And he left me 😭😭😭😭 I cried for two years until Bella died of being vegan when dogs are carnivores. I wanted to go back to jorobe because his hot muscles were too sexy 🥵 he said he didn't want me back because I cheated on him! 😭😭😭😭

Jorobe X Vegan teacher a (HOT) fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now