Chapter 1: New Guardians

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~~Jack's POV~~
I woke up at the North Pole, to a lot of shuffling sounds outside my door. I got up and started getting ready to see what was going on. It's been 7 years since we defeated Pitch and we haven't gotten a sign of him since, so I wondered what was going on. Immediately, I see Sandy standing outside of my room.
"Good morning..?" I say questionably. I didn't really expect him to be right there. Sandy looked at me and told me that Pitch is back. He's much stronger and gonna be harder to beat. That's all we heard from Manny this morning, but apparently Manny's telling us something right now, so Sandy was sent to come get me. I immediately got up and we both ran to the control room.

Once I got there, I heard North talking to Manny,
"Oh Manny, who have you chosen to help us defeat evil this time?" I watched as Manny pointed his light towards the circle in the ground and as a platform of blue, yellow, orange and green light rose. Suddenly, 4 figures appeared. 4? How strange, it's usually only one. In the green light was a boy, about 2 years older than me, he had brown hair and light mint green eyes. He was wearing a purple t-shirt and green pants. He seemed to be kneeling in the grass surrounded by flowers, one was even growing out of his hand and was barefoot. I looked at the next boy in the yellow light. He looked the same age as me, except he had sun blond hair, brown eyes and his skin was very tanned. He was wearing a bright yellow tank top and light blue shorts. He was laying in a tree with a sword in his hand, staring at the sky, him also was barefoot. My focus drifted off to the figure in the blue light, it... it was me? I looked at it confused but shook it off for now. The girl in the orange light looked quite young, maybe about 14? She was flying in the air with a sycthe, the wood from the stick curved on the top, so it looked like she could sit on it. She had long black hair, very pale skin, and piercing emerald green eyes, she wore an plain pumpkin orange hoodie, black leggings, and had her hood up. Out of all of them, she looked the most like me. She's also barefoot.
"Why is Jack in there if he's already a guardian?" I heard Bunny ask,
" it can't be..." North said almost surprised,
"What is it North?" Tooth asked quietly. North turned to me and announced something that would change my life forever,
"Jack...these people..." North said pointing at the figures in the light now fading away,
"Are your family."

What? There's no way I had a family. How? I thought I was the only one, besides these people looked nothing like me. It's not possible for them to be related to me.
"Guardians, please come into my office" North said. We followed into his office and took a seat as North pulled out a book.
"This book has all of the spirits in the world in it!" He explained as he flipped through the pages,
"Ah here we are!" He showed us two pages of the book that had those 3 people and me on them.
"You see those people, they really are your siblings, each one of you represents a different season. Marcus Bloom, spirit of spring, can make plants grow out of his own hands, died at the age of 19,  eldest of the seasons. Isaac Bright, spirit of summer, master of swords crafts, died at the age of 17, like you. Then there's you of course. Finally, Ace Fall, spirit of autumn, uses her scythe very similar to how you use your staff, but can use it to um... how shall I say this? Exterminate people. Fun fact, she is also the youngest spirit to ever exist. You see Jack, these people...are your family!"
"This is awesome! We're finally going to have another girl here! Oh my goodness. I can't wait to meet her!" Tooth exclaimed. She was flying around uncontrollably it of pure excitement.
"We could do so many fun things together! We'll be able to put on dresses and I can teach her how to do makeup! I hope she likes my fairies. She needs to like my fairies. I'm so excited! What if-"
"Hang on. You're telling me, that Marcus Bloom and Jack Frost are related? There's no way." Bunny said. He knows Marcus?
"If the book says, then yes. I know it's hard to believe but it has to be true" North tells us. I have to ask.
"You guys have already met them?"
"Yes. Well, no. Only Marcus. We haven't met Isaac or Ace, but I'm sure they'll be just as lovely as Marcus" North reassures me.
"They better be like Marcus. I don't think I would be able to stand another Frostbite running around here" Bunny says.
"Are you sure about that? Because now I'm going to make it my mission to have another me running around here" I respond confidently.
"You better not you little-" Bunny gets cut off by North.
"Jack, I'm sure you're very excited to meet your siblings. So I will send Sandy, Tooth and Bunny to go get them at once" North said, satisfied to see our reactions to the new guardians. We left his office and the other 3 went on their way. North also got the yetis to prepare their rooms,since they would be staying with us. I wasn't too sure about these new guardians. By what the others have said, Marcus seems kinda boring and I'm confident the others will be the same as him. I'm definitely not insanely happy that they're coming. I lean against my staff and scowl. North seemed to notice my behaviour and sat me down while we waited. He seemed to be happy and anticipating the moment the new guardians arrived. Meanwhile, I'm dreading the fact I might be the only interesting person left.

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