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The ride was quiet

Then we arrived in a fancy hotel

"Uhh may i ask, to why you brought me here?" I ask jimin, he looked at me and gave me a are-you-serious look

"Because you are my secretary" he said and we stepped in the party, everyone looked handsome and gorgeous

"Oh nice to see you again Mr Park and Miss Lee" Mr Choi greeted

"Nice to see you again Mr Choi" Jimin politely bowed at him and i did the same. Here i am alone because Jimin left me to talk about business with the others 

Then a girl approached me, "hey do you mind if I join you?" She asks, i look at her, she looks a lot like mom, i smiled at her "no" i said, she sat in front of me, "my name is yuri" she introduced her self, "my names Jihye" i told her

We ended up chatting, i looked at my phone to check the time

It's 10:30 i looked at jimins direction, he's flirting with a girl

Business huh?

"Is he your boyfriend?" Yuri asks wiggling her brows, "what, no" i told her, "im just his secretary" i added, "well do you like him?" Yuri asks

I don't know, do i still love him?- NO

"No" I simply told her, then a voice joined us, "hey Jihye" Namjoon took a seat beside me and winked at him, i just laughed it off

Namjoon was making me and yuri laugh

Jimin POV

I looked at Jihye, she was having fun with this unknown girl and....Namjoon

They are laughing

And I don't know why I'm mad seeing her smiling, laughing with Namjoon-No

She's hanging out with our enemy

I walked towards them abandoning the girl that I flirted with

"Jihye i think we need to go" i told while i kept on glaring at Namjoon

"Oh yeah, bye guys" she bid her goodbyes to them

Once we entered the car i looked at her with angry eyes, "did you just hang out with our enemy?!" I yelled at her which caused her to flinch

"Jimin we were just having fun" she told me, "Jihye you know you can get fired from what you've just done earlier" I warned her, "fire me then" she said, i looked at her surprised, "who said i wanted to be in your company anyways" she added, "don't challenge me jihye" i told her witha stern voice, "fire me!" She yelled, i looked at her and glared, "ok let's make a deal" i told her

"If you succeed convincing Mr Choi, i will not fire you, and if you fail...you'll have to leave my company" i told her, "sure" she said and I drove her to their apartment

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