The Horizon's Agony

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Note : 5500 words, and my only thought throughout - A love Like this, should be true too!

Happy reading!

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"Tum na hue, mere toh kya, Mai tumhara, Mai tumhara, Mai tumhara raha

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"Tum na hue, mere toh kya,
Mai tumhara,
Mai tumhara,
Mai tumhara raha.
Mere chanda, mai tumhara sitara raha"

"Indian Army is a family, its always about 'Us' and 'We', no body is an 'I' or 'Me' here, and I am extremely proud of all of us, for the grave danger we walk into, knowing pretty well we might not come out alive. Yet, we do it, for our mother nation, for our fellow mates here. They say the day you step one foot into the army confinement, is the day your pre written destiny ceases to exist. From there on, every day is a choice you make, every hour is a risk you take, and willingly so. We, write our own destinies!", Colonel Sharma spoke into the microphone and the crowd began clapping, appreciating every word, which knowingly or unknowingly was a living reminder they carried within themselves, every waking minute.

"And today, I am as proud of him as I am saddened to loose someone so capable from the force", Colonel Sharma paused, and the focus of the crowd shifted to that one person with whom his eyes were locked, "He was a boy when I met him, and now he is a man, Twelve years of whose life has been for the nation, and I know if this tragedy hadn't happened, coming twenty more years would have been too", he smiled softly, and the man in question smiled back, nodding to his mentor, acknowledging him.

"Major Vyom Bakshi, we salute you here today, for the extra ordinary act of courage you showed, for saving five of your subordinates by taking the bullet on yourself, and even though it was a choice you made, we, as your family, are still indebted to you for the strength you showed during the encounter, for killing away three invaders and not letting us suffer even a single casualty", Colonel saluted him, and the next moment each and every person in the room was standing in a salute for Vyom, who acknowledged all of their love, and walked to the stage to take his medal of excellence.

Vyom wasn't a man of words, but his eyes spoke volumes. There was a time when he talked too much too, but that was a part of life he had left behind when he had joined the army. Colonel Sharma pinned the medal of valor to his uniform, and Vyom saluted him, in attention, on receiving the honor, before he was asked to speak two words to the waiting crowd.

Well, that's exactly he did, spoke two words - Just two words, 'Thank you', but it was the way he smiled and blinked at them that everyone felt the gratitude he didn't try to explain. Colonel Sharma chuckled at him, aware of how Vyom liked to speak only the bare minimum, but the way Vyom's injured left hand had found it's way to his trouser's pocket, he knew pretty well what he was clutching on to - like he always did in each one of his happiest and saddest moments.

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