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When he's sick: Is really over-dramatic about it. He goes to work anyway, but he super irritable and gets really angry. 

When your sick: Baby's the living shit out of you. He helps you bathe (what the hell) and makes you soup and tea and medicine and stuff. 


When he's sick: Goes to work and he doesn't really complain because y'know he's Brian. He goes to work anyway, but then leaves when Roger screams at him for coughing and sneezing.

When your sick: Takes care of you, but wears a hazmat suit and a mask and gloves (honestly I we support) because he doesn't wanna get sick.


When he's sick: Hides his illness and then gets everyone else sick, but won't come out of bed when they eventually find out.

When your sick: Is kind of germaphobic and is kind of a jerk. Like he forces you to sneeze into a tissue (I couldn't do that if I tried, though) and bleach wipes everywhere you've been.


When he's sick: Is still super adorable and apologizes every time he coughs/snezes. He wants to snuggle, but then when you give him snuggles, he falls asleep.

When your sick: Is really sweet and won't leave for work until he knows you are okay<3 

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