IMAGINE: A Romantic Night (John x Reader)

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This was requested by: @a3a0d0n7 . Thank you for the request and for your support. Anyone can always request anything (even if it's not Queen), because I truly appreciate all of your requests!! Now let's focking do this!

You had just gotten off of work. You were on your way home, when your boyfriend Deaky called you.

"Y/N," he mumbled, "I had a pretty bad day at work."

"Awe, baby, what's wrong? Are you okay?" you asked.

"I didn't sleep well, so I was already not so well. And then, at work, I was struggling with a few bass lines, so Freddie and Roger decided to lecture me on how 'I don't work hard enough' and how 'I need to be prepared' as if they have never had a bad day," he vented. 

"Oh, honey I'm sorry. How about you come over to my house and we can watch a movie and have dinner," you said. 

"Okie," he replied, "I'd like that."

"Alrighty, love, I'm on my way home, now, so you can leave whenever you're ready," you told him.

"Okay, I love you," he replied.

"Love you, too," you said, before hanging up.


When you got home you quickly changed into your Queen pullover and ripped jeans. You kept your makeup on because you wanted to look good for Deaky. 

Within fifteen minutes, you heard a knock on your door. You opened the door and Deaky walked in, wrapping his arms around you and showering you with kisses. 

"Hi. honey," you smiled. 

"Hi babe," he replied. 

"You look exhausted!" you commented, looking at your handsome, skinny boyfriend. 

"I am," he replied, "I just wanted to be with you, all day long."

"Oh, John, you're here with me now," you said, running your hands through his long dark hair.

"What's for dinner?" he asked.

"Anything you want," you replied. 

"Cheese on toast!!!!" he said.

"Oh my gosh, I couldn't have guessed," you replied, sarcastically. 

You both walked into the kitchen, giggling at every move you each of you made. You made 12 pieces of cheese on toast, which you put on the coffee table next to the couch. You both sat down on the couch and fed each other cheese on toast.

You put your head on his shoulder and he rested his head on yours. You wrapped your arms around each other. 


After dinner, you lit the fireplace and got blankets and snuggled even more than you already had been. 

You turned on Saturday Night Fever, after-all, he was nicknamed Disco Deaky. 

"Y/N," John began, "Thank you for tonight. I thought that today would be the worst day ever, but you made to day better. Just like you make me better."

"I wouldn't have wanted to spend tonight with any other person. You're my sunshine and I want you to know to know that my feelings are true, John Richard Deacon, I really love you," you replied. 

"I love you too, Y/N. You know, I could never see where my life is leading me, but we will be together forever," he giggled, cutely. 

You both fell asleep snuggled up in each other's arms. You wanted that night to last forever, and who knows maybe it would.

I hope you like this!! Please give me some requests because I really had a fun time with this!!!!

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