PREFERENCE: When You're Crying

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He screams over-dramatically, "My gosh, darling what happened?" You try and deny that you were crying, but he wraps you in his arms and tells you he knows something is wrong. You finally tell him and he sits quietly and listens to you. 


He will softly ask you what is wrong and why you are crying. He will rub your back and tell you it's okay and that he always there if you need anything. He'll kiss you on the forehead and comfort you.


Asks you if you're allergic to Brian (kidding, if you read Good Company you'll understand why I said that) He becomes really clingy and follows you around everywhere asking you if you are gonna cry or if he made you sad.


He takes your hand and holds it. He doesn't make you tell him what's wrong, but if you decide to tell him he listens and tells you to calm down and assures you that everything will be okay and he hugs you.

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