Chapter 2

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           She woke at the chittering of the forest animals. Rubbing at her eyes, she stood and put away the bedroll and blanket along with scraps from her meal. Rosalin grabbed her pack and slung it over one shoulder. She reached for her broom next to her—It wasn't here. She cursed under her breath. She must have forgotten it in the rush to get out. The broom was the fastest way to travel. Which meant she was going back to get it.

           Rosalin stood along the edge of the Cedar Forest she had fled through just hours ago, watching the people meander about. She eyed the house she had lived in. Just twenty yards ahead. When she was sure no eyes were watching, she bolted towards the house. Fifteen yards, then seven, then three. She reached the house and ducked inside. The door made no noise as she quietly twisted the lock. When she turned she saw a feminine figure cloaked and hidden in a cape and dark flying leathers, similar to her own, holding a broom. Not a broom. Her broom. 

"That is mine," she warned the woman. "Give it to me," she demanded. She slowly looked to Rosalin even though she had probably heard her enter. 

"Finders keepers," the woman said in a voice that made her shudder at the wicked amusement in it. The woman leaped through the open window. Rosalin unlocked the door and hurtled after her. She saw her taking off on her broom. Rosalin used a spear of flame that hurtled towards the woman trying to fly away. It hit her in the back. She and Rosalin's broom hit the ground. The broom splintered beneath her weight. Rosalin ran to the woman trying and failing to get away. The townspeople were already running towards them with more swords and spears. There was no way she was leaving her to the townspeople. She hauled the stranger up and away from them leaving the broom. It was ruined anyway. They took off at a stumbling run towards the forest. 

          Once they were hidden in an illusion again Rosalin asked, "Who are you?" She snorted. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Rosalin eyed her. "I will heal your back if you tell me who you are," she said instead. "Fine." The woman took off her cloak revealing red hair and dark silver eyes. Like the color of burnt metal. She stripped off her leathers and her shirt leaving only the flexible band around her chest. She turned for Rosalin to heal her back. There was a thick winding scar from her neck to her waist. 

           Her back was burnt and had blisters forming. It must be on fire. Burns stung and grew hotter the longer you don't treat them. At least magic ones do. 

           Rosalin formed a ball of water in her hands. The water was more soothing to work with when healing burns. She knew from practicing on herself. "Lyssa. Lyssa Telora," she said relaxing under the cool water. 

           "You're a witch too," Rosalin answered. 

            "Who are you?" Lyssa asked hissing at a tender spot. 

             "Rosalin Seranin," she said quietly. She caught the flash of recognition on Lyssa's face.

             "I heard when your sister died. How she bought you time. A great many witches had been through the same situation. They have heard the stories." Rosalin finished and Lyssa started putting on her shirt and leathers again. She narrowed her eyes. 

             "What stories?" She hadn't heard any stories. 

              "Keila is a legend where I come from. My cousin looked up to her. She wasn't there to save her younger sisters. When she heard about Keila she set off and rescued other witches. To make sure what happened to her sisters never happened to anyone else. She died saving a little witchling three years ago. Lora told me when she died she would make sure it was saving them so that she paid the price she should have that fateful night." Lyssa was silent for a moment. 

              "Do you want to stay for the night and then head out in the morning?" Rosalin asked. Lyssa nodded. "You broke my broom though. You have to make me a new one," Rosalin added. 

               "You shouldn't have left yours in the first place," she snapped back. Both of them glared. Then crooked smiles spread across their faces. 

                "Can you do magic?" Rosalin asked as she swept away all the forest debris on the ground. 

                 "Yes, only some though. I can use the elements but I haven't learned healing or anything like that," she replied helping clear away things. "Well, I have a book that my mother wrote to help me and Keila learn magic. I still have it if you want to look through it," Rosalin suggested. Lyssa muttered a thank you to her when she handed over the book. And she had given Lyssa her bedroll despite her protests. 

          When Lyssa had fallen asleep she stalked through the forest looking for the tree all witches made their brooms out of. The volant tree. Rosalin always thought the name was weird. What did volant even mean? Only here in the heart of the Cedar forest are they still found. After an hour of searching, she found it. Towering far over the rest of the oaks, pines, and cedars. And with a small bit of magic, a branch snapped off and floated down to her. The small branches attached to it she snapped off then she headed back to their camp.  

          That morning she had finished making the main part of her new broom. Though she would have to find metal wires to wrap around the twigs that are bound at the end of brooms. She had spent the entire night carving it from scratch. Lyssa had gone in search of food that morning for them. She came back with a rabbit and a handful of bright pink berries. 

            "Can you skin it?" she asked Lyssa. She sat down next to Rosalin. She passed her the berries while she grabbed a knife at her waist. Rosalin used her magic to probe the berries. What she found wasn't good. "Did you eat any of these?" she asked Lyssa who had paused. A small choked sound came from Lyssa. Rosalin whirled to her. Lyssa's face was red and splotchy and it looked like her throat closed up. "Lyssa, those were poisonous!" she yelled. She held out her hands. Recalling what Keila once taught her about this sort of healing. Flame berry. It cures poison, but it is very, very, hot. She rifled through her bag. None. They aren't hard to find. She hauled Lyssa up and started scouring the forest. Lyssa wouldn't be able to breathe in a matter of minutes. They reached an area where bushes covered the entire ground. Different berries were scattered throughout them. Then poking between more of those poisonous berries she saw the bright orange of the flame berry. She ran to them and picked handfuls of them. As they touched her skin they grew hot. She hissed and nearly dropped them. Rosalin ran back to Lyssa. 

             "Eat these. Now," she instructed. Lyssa took the handful and shoved it into her mouth. As she swallowed she started to choke more as some smoke came out of her mouth. At least the swelling and red splotches were fading. Her breathing was now better but she was fanning her mouth. Right, she'd need some water. Rosalin dragged her back to their camp. 

              "How have you gone so long without dying?" she asked as she passed the skin of water to her. 

             After she drank all the water she replied, "I don't usually eat berries. I cook meat." She gestured to the rabbit half skinned on Lyssa's cloak. "Or I get food from a tavern where others cook the food for me." 

            "Those are otrovan berries. Otrovan means poisonous," she explained. Lyssa rolled her eyes. 

            "Okay, I'll leave picking berries to you for now on." Rosalin's brows rose. 

            "For now on, as in your staying for a while?" She shrugged. 

            "Maybe. I might very well get myself killed if left alone."

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