Chapter 8

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          Lyssa and another witch landed down before the tower. Rosalin burst through the doors to see the wolves surrounding the other witch. Vera's sharp whistle had them backing off. Rosalin ran to her friend. She wrapped her arms around her and Lyssa hugged her back. "Are you okay? Where were you?" Rosalin asked pulling back to look at her closer. Lyssa rolled her eyes. "I'm fine Rosalin. I met an old friend," she said gesturing to the witch standing behind her. "I'm Sorrane," the witch said inclining her head. "It's nice to meet you Sorrane, I am—" "I know who you are, Rosalin," she said. "Oh, of course," she said glancing at Lyssa. "No, I am a seer. I knew who you were before Lyssa told me anything about you." Terror ran through her. If Sorrane knew who was would she tell them? She couldn't lose them after now just finding her entire coven. 

          After getting Sorrane settled in, they all sat in front of the fire. Except for Lyssa, she had gone out to make sure no one had followed her and Sorrane here. Appearently Oreyan had been the only one to notice that all the wolves here at the tower were female. So she had asked Vera. "The females stay here to guard the tower. A last line of defense. And the howls you heard from far out earlier were the males. They protect the border," Vera explained. "They are just as vicious as the males but they like the attention," she said petting Nerian. Oreyan smiled sipping out of the mug of tea. It was freezing outside so they tended to all stay huddled by the fire. "So, Sorrane, where are you from?" Cassara asked. Sorrane looked away from the fire. "I have been living by the Miriad River for the past six years," she replied. "Oreyan and I have been living in our house that's in Cedar Woods for pretty much our entire lives," Cassara replied. Sorrane opened her mouth to say something when Lyssa walked in the room holding something in her hand. "Rosalin, what is this," she snarled holding it up. 

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