Chapter 7

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          They brought Cassara back to the camp. After she had finally told them where Rosalin's broom was. "I'm not going with you," Cassara said as they were starting to leave. "Why is that?" Rosalin asked her. "I need you to swear that you won't hurt her," she said quietly. "I swear on my life that none of us will hurt her," Rosalin answered. Aera, Bren, and Vera all nodded. "She's my sister, if I have to come she does too," Cassara said. And that meant that both Cassara and her sister were about to become part of their coven.

          "It's just around this bend," Cassara said bringing them to a log house with smoke coming out of a stone chimney. And in the back was a small shed. "Oreyan, I'm back. I brought friends," Cassara called out. They headed towards the house. Cassara quickened her pace when no one answered. She shoved in through the door. No one was inside. Cassara went down a hall and went into what Rosalin assumed were their rooms. "She better be in the back," Cassara muttered. Rosalin, Vera, Aera, and Bren all followed as Cassara ran back outside and to the shed. She opened the door where a tall woman with brown hair like her sister only lighter, and strange eyes. They were a pale yellow with an outer ring of what seemed to be light purple. She sat at a table mixing what looked like some herbs together. "Oreyan, why didn't you answer me," Cassara scolded her. Oreyan frowned a bit. "I was helping her," she said pointing to a small fawn laying down. "Her foot got caught in a trap," she said showing them the fawn's leg. "You're a healer?" Bren asked her. "An amazing one at that," her sister said proudly. "I've seen her make magical splints that go away once the leg is healed, or she has made stitches similar to that. And she once healed an enormous wolf, an Orran wolf with silver and black markings. If it wasn't for Oreyan, the wolf wouldn't have made it through the night." Vera started. "Nerian," she breathed. "She had disappeared for a month once and then came back with a giant scar around her leg." Oreyan's eyes lit up. "She stayed with me for a month before I let her go. I haven't seen her since." "I had her stay with the other wolves for a while, and she usually likes to stay by me," Vera explained. "Wait—You're the leader of the Orran Wolves," Cassara blurted out. Vera nodded. Oreyan went over to the baby deer but still listened to the conversations. Cassara looked to Rosalin. "You're Rosalin Seranin, your sister saved your life during the burnings." Tears started to swell in her eyes, then Aera placed a hand on her shoulder. She shoved those tears and memories into the farthest corners of her mind. "Yes, and this is my cousin, Aera Seranin," she said introducing her cousin. "There," Oreyan chirped as she finished tying a bandage around its wound. "So you are actually Rosalin Seranin?" Oreyan asked. "Yes, and how does everyone know who I am?" Rosalin asked bewildered by the fact that she was a story that was told. "Keila made a big impact on many people worldwide," Oreyan said. They might have thought her a legend but if they knew her past they would hate her. "They want us to come with them," Cassara said to her sister. "Why?" she asked. "Because you are apart of our coven," Aera said blandly. "Really?" Cassara asked. "I'll come then," Oreyan volunteered. "So will I," Cassara said. "I need to grab some things," she said running back towards the house. Oreyan picked up the little deer and carried it outside. When she put it down it ran over to a figure in the woods. The baby and its mother trotted away into the forest.

            Cassara and Oreyan flew with them after Vera used her magic on their brooms. Oreyan and Bren chatted mercilessly and as did Vera and Aera. Cassara flew beside Rosalin with a faint smile painted across her face. They were finally reaching the snow and icy plains close to the Outlook. There were faint howls of Vera's wolves. "We're nearly there," Rosalin called to Cassara. And as she said it the tower came into view. It was really just a shadow on the horizon from where they were. A small dark dot out of the white and blue expanse all around them. Cassara called out to her, "Race you." And she took off at full speed towards the tower. Rosalin sped ahead too, Vera following right behind with Aera. And they raced off towards the Outlook. 

          The wolves greeted them at the base of the tower. Some with growls, some with whines. She and Vera led the way through them to the wood doors. Farrah and Nerian broke off and followed them inside. She saw Oreyan give Nerian a scratch behind the ear. And Rosalin gave Farrah a pet as she trotted beside her. "I'll show you your rooms," Vera said leading them upstairs. Rosalin followed them up the took a right and headed to her room. She set her bag down next to the wall and set her broom next to it. She fell backwards onto her back letting out a sigh. With Lyssa gone everything felt out of place. She missed her friend, she regretted the things that she had said. Because if something happened to her then it would be all her fault. Two howls sounded from far out. Rosalin hurried out of her room and up the stairs to the living room where Vera and Aera had been lounging on couches. Now Vera was standing looking out of the window. "I think she's back, and she brought a friend," Vera said quietly. 

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