The Lives of Two Princess Sisters

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Once upon at time there was a castle not so far away there lived a king ,a queen,two daughters and one son.Ten years ago thier mother will always tell stories about the element princesses to them before bedtime,the daughter with red hair with yellow highlights and turquise eyes named Sunset Shimmer was very interested of the element princesses and wants to know more about them,while her sister that has bluish hair with purple and pink highlights and purple eyes named Twilight Sparkle is quite interested on the story and when her sister knows more about the princesses her sister will always tell her about them which make her satisfyied and thier big brother Shining Armor is only interested on dragon and monsters stories especially daring do which is Twilight and Shinings favorite comic book.

The red hair with yellow highlights girl is at the library with her sister,they will always go to the library together on free time while their big brother is having a date with thier Sister in law Cadence she will always visit them every weekend.Twilight was reading a book about space while Sunset reading a book about the element princesses.

Sunset:Sis,would it be a dream come true if we met the daughters of the element princesses

You see each element princess has a love one and fell in love and have a daughter of each of their own.

Twilight:Yeah that will be cool and iam so excited to go to our new school!

Few weeks ago their parents enrolled their daughters to a princess school called Princess Academia and when they heard about this the two daughters are so excited to see this new school but not just the two of them....
Sunset on the other hand is nervous about it because she had so many memories with their friends at thier old school she dont want to leave her old school unlike Twilight on the other hand she really excited about it.

Sunset:Yeah iam excited too...

Twilight:I know what you're feeling sis and besides iam kinda...nervous and scared too...

Sunset was shocked

Sunset:Wait all this time you were scared and nervous about this?

Twilight:Not really...i mean what so bad about Princess Academia iam sure will make new friends there

Sunset think of it and understand what her sister is saying

Sunset:Yeah...i guess you're right Princess Academia will not be bad after all if we arrived at this school...

Twilight:Thats the spirit sis!

Sunset:Yeah thanks sis what iam going to do without you...

Twilight:You'll always have me...

The two princesses went to thier bedrooms and pack their things for tomorrows first day of school.

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