Love is a yummy s'more

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It was midnight everyone was asleep...well everyone but Pinkie Pie.Pinkie was about to get a snack which is a s'more in the castleteria.

Pinkie:(I cant wait for my midnight s'more its gonna be delish!)

When Pinkie grab her midnight snack she bumped into someone...weird didnt everyone just got to bed now i mean its midnight so...

Pinkie:Hey aren't you suppose to be in bed i mean it is midnight...

Mikey:Oh i thought me and brothers was the only one awake umm... you're Pinkie Pie right?

Pinkie:Yep and iam leader of the group!

Mikey:Wow my brother Leo is the leader of the group but i never thought you will be leader in your own group

Pinkie:You're Mikey and i suppose your the younger turtle brother in the group?

Mikey:Yep sometimes i want to be a leader of my own group...

Pinkie:Oh really?

Mikey:Yes indeed!

Pinkie:So...wanna hangout?

Mikey:I would love to but i have to get back with my brothers...

Pinkie:Oh its fine...maybe you should make a excuse...

Mikey:Umm...a little hangout will be fun tho!

Pinkie:Okie dokie lokie*eats her s'more*

Mikey:So i heard there new girls and thier sisters and your new friends?


Mikey:Pinkie guess what...


Mikey:I heard Leo has a crush on the new girl...

Pinkie:Which new girl?

Mikey:One of your friends that wears glasses

Pinkie:Oh you mean Twilight Sparkle?

Mikey:I guess if that's her name...

Pinkie:Yeah i notice that to that too...hey wanna s'more? thanks

Pinkie:Welp all for me*finish her s'more*

Mikey:Hey have you seen some pizza guy around here...


Then the music start playing

Pinkie:Okay,can i say something crazy

Mikey:I love crazy!

Pinkie:All my life is been a series of doors in my face

And then suddenly i bump into you

Mikey:I was thinking the same cause like

I been searching my whole life to find my own place

Maybe its the party talking or the chocolate fondue

Pinkie:*giggles*But with you

Mikey:But with you

I found my place

Pinkie:I see your face

Both:And its nothing like i never known before

Love is yummy s'more

Love is yummy s'more

Love is yummy s'more

Pinkie:With you

Mikey:With you

Pinkie:With you

Mikey:With you

Both:Love is yummy s'more

Mikey:I mean its crazy!


Mikey:We finished each others...


Mikey:Thats what i got to say

Both:I never meet someone

Who thinks so much of me


Jinx again!

Our mental synchronization

Can have but one explanitation


Mikey:And i...

Both:We're just meant to be!

Pinkie:Say goodbye!

Mikey:Say goodbye!

Both:To the pain of the past

We dont have to feel it anymore

Love is a yummy s'more

Love is a yummy s'more

Life can be so much more

Pinkie:With you

Mikey:With you

Pinkie:With you

Mikey:With you

Both:Love is a yummy...


Mikey:Can i say something crazy

Can we hang out again soon!

Pinkie:Can i say something crazier


Mlp from hasbro

Tmnt from Nickalodeon

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