Chapter 2

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The blonde turns around angry at first but his face softens slightly when he sees me on the ground, "Im sorry who are you?" this mysterious boy says. "Doesn't matter to you does it Malfoy?" Harry quickly defends with a puffed up chest. I get off the ground patting dirt off of me while waiting for someone to speak so maybe i'm not so confused.

"Why so defensive Potter, got yourself a girlfriend?" The blonde responds coldly. Girlfriend? hm not too bad, i mean what i just met him. I quickly clear those thoughts and reply. "Um no no not girlfriend, we just met on the train, i'm Lydia, i'm new here." I blush at the stares from the crowd of students or maybe just because this "Malfoy" won't take his eyes off me.

"Hagrid IS cool i see what you meant" i tell harry as we ride to hogwarts, "yeah he's always there for us" he reply's with...a slight blush? just that thought makes my cheeks redden up, i smile and it's quiet the rest of the ride. Quicker than expected the boats arrive at hogwarts and me, harry, ron, and hermione get off the boats and enter the crowd of kids walking up to the castle.

As we walk i can not take me eyes off this beautiful place, the castle is so big and every detail is mesmerizing, this night is just perfect. All though i'm quite wrapped up in my own moment I feel eyes on me, i turn my head to see a certain dark haired boy staring right back at me.


We are walking into hogwarts and i can't help but stare at Lydia, she looks so happy and that smile is so cute it lights up the night...wait what we just met what am i saying. I guess i've been staring to long bc she turns around and catches me looking, her smile widens and she turns back around, what is she doing to me?


Professor Mcgonigal introduces herself even though most students know her, right when she begins talking a taller brunette girl pushes past me to get to the front, she looks like she could be new too, she doesn't have a house on her robes. Professor keeps talking and i zone out but then hear something about the sorting hat and start to pay attention again.

"This year there are two new students, they have had some...complications and are late to school but they are the same age as all of you. I expect you all to respect them like you would anyone else, Miss Blane, Miss Loxias? My head snaps up and my cheeks turn crimson, i'm not much of a huge crowd person and now all of their attention is on me and this other girl.

We walk up a little bit and i notice the other girl is the same girl that pushed past me earlier. "You too will have to get sorted before anything can begin, everyone, to the Great Hall." Me and Blane follow Mcgonagall to the Great Hall, the large wood doors open and a giant fire lit room comes into sight, the sky looks like it's real, there's floating candles and everyone there is already seated and dressed in robes.

"You know it's not really the sky, it's just bewitched" Blane says as i stare up. I look over to meet her gaze, she's pretty and she looks nice, she's got brown eyes, brown hair, and she's tall, well, just a 'little' taller than me. I smile at her comment and say "I'm Lydia, um kinda new to this whole wizard world i'm from the normal world" She laughs a little and i'm confused, maybe she's just weird, "I'm Natalie, i'm a pure blood but i don't really judge" now i'm even more confused. "Pure-Blood?" i ask, "Yeah it means both my parents are wizards" she responds, she never stops smiling. I was about to say something else when we reached the the front of the Hall, there are two tables with what i'm guessing are professors.

Mcgonagall speaks up, "All previous students please be seated, now Miss Blane and Miss Loxias will be sorted." She pulls out this old looking hat, then it starts talking. "Miss Blane you are first." Mcgonagall says.


Professor calls my name and i'm so excited! i've been waiting for this my whole life! Yes, it's taken a little longer to get here but that's beside the point, i'm finally here and i'm about to get sorted at Hogwarts. I walk up and sit in the chair, Professor places the hat on my head and it starts speaking immediately.

"Hmmm a Blane i remember your father, he was very wise, no wonder he made it big in the wizard world. You would do well in Gryffindor, i can see in your mind how brave you are but you would also strive in Hufflepuff." (haha i get to bully u bc it's my story) the hat says, "please not Hufflepuff" i didn't even realize i said that outloud until the hat responds. "I see, i've made me my decision.....GRYFFINDOR."

I shoot up out of the chair, i couldn't be happier right now, everything is falling into place perfectly, well not everything but thats a story for another time...


Natalie just got sorted into Gryffindor, i wonder if that's the good house, Mcgonagall explained it but i'm still not completely sure about it. "Miss Loxias...." I hear that and i'm instantly 10 times more nervous. I walk up and sit down in the chair, everyone is looking at me waiting for me to get sorted.

The hat begins to speak "Hm, you're a strange one, i've only seen someone like you once before can't be?" It can't be what? I need to know now. "Can't be what?" i ask, "Not any of my business, be careful what you uncover around here, Hogwarts is a mysterious place with many secrets. But i've made my decision, your mind shows many options but....GRYFFIONDOR"

I'm relived, i'm in a house with all my friends but i'm still confused about what the hat said, i walk to the gryffindor table and they are smiling at me, Harry and Ron are on one side and Hermione and Natalie are on the other, the only available seat is next to Harry though.


Lydia is just standing in front of me looking at me, i hope she doesn't not want to sit next to me i mean i think i kind of like her, she's pretty and nice and funny. There's not a lot of girls like that here, everyone is so serious, yes, there's ginny but i don't know lydia just feels different. I look up and meet her eyes, i smile and pat the seat next to me at the long table. She smiles back and takes it, i feel eyes on me and i look around the room to find Ginny staring at me with an angered look on her face...I also see draco looking at...Lydia? Why would he look at her, ew, whatever i'm sure he just can't wait to call her some mudblood.


I sit next to Harry and i have a strange feeling, like i've finally found...home. I feel normal here, i feel like for once i belong somewhere, maybe it has something to do with what the sorting hat said? I'm not sure but i know i'm finally in the right place.

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