Chapter 8

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It is the 3rd week of school, i'm starting to really get to know people and get good at wizarding, Hermione is best friend and so is Lydia, Hermione is really good at the book stuff and Lydia is better at...the social things.

Hermione always try's to help us understand things if we don't, she's really understanding that we missed 4 years of Hogwarts, Lydia is always saying we should go out and meet new people, it's so fun here, I couldn't ask for better friends.

Harry and Ron are always around too, we have most classes together which is awesome but there's also this other boy, Draco Malfoy. Slytherin and Gryffindors have classes together so he's always around too.

He's always calling Lydia and Hermione filthy mudbloods and torturing Harry, but i can't help but feel sorry for him, i've "met" his father and he seems awful. I think i may have a small, itty bitty, crush on Draco, but i know I shouldn't, he'd never fall for a smart, boring Gryffindor like me.

We have class today so Hermione, Lydia and I get up and dressed and head to the Great Hall, on the way we meet up with Harry and Ron. I can tell Lydia fancies Harry and he obviously likes her back. I doubt anything will ever happen though, as outgoing as she may seem, she never opens, it took her forever just to talk to us.

We are approaching the tall wooden doors of the hall when we are stopped by Malfoy and his pose of annoying gits. "Lydia, darling, why are you still hanging around these boring imbeciles, you would do so much better with us, don't you remember what the sorting hat said?" Draco sweetly says, why does he call HER darling, she doesn't even like him?

"Don't speak to her Malfoy, you know she's better off with us, and not your annoying pose of gits" Harry says through gritted teeth. "Why are you even so obsessed with me? Go give pugface some attention, she's the one who's constantly begging for it" Lydia says defensively, "Shut up mudblood" pansy spits, i hear Lyd grumble something but it's cut off by Malfoy budging in...again.

"What's up with you potter? Just a little playful morning banter, no need to get all defensive." Malfoy chuckles, Harry goes to say something else but Hermione shakes her head no. "Come on guys i'm hungry" Ron buts in, "Yeah let's just leave" I say, pointing towards the Great Hall. "Yeah" Lydia says softly.


Natalie says we should just leave, how could she not want to fight back? Shes just going to let those bullies get to us? There's no point in arguing, reluctantly i agree and we walk past Draco and his friends. I feel his eyes follow me and i'm so annoyed by him, i wish he would just leave me alone.

I turn around and catch his eyes, he smirks at me with a snicker, i smile back and give him the finger. I here his pose laugh and watch his face scrunch up, I turn around with pride and walk with my friends into the Hall.

I love this chapter😏

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