Chapter 12

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I walk into my usual hangout spot and catch Lydia and Harry making out on the couch, I see his hand on her check and it makes me physically sick. I turn on the lights and force them to leave, Harry bumps me on the way out but Lydia doesn't dare make eye contact once.

Crabbe and Goyle just continue laughing like nothing happened, me on the other hand can't get that disgusting imagine out of my head. I need to get back at her, even if she doesn't know it. I storm out of the room and practically sprint down the Hall.

I see Natalie Blane, one of Lydias closet friends walking with some Hufflepuffs out of the Great Hall and I know exactly what to do. I know she likes me, i can see the way she tenses up when I talk to Lydia, this just makes this perfect. I walk up to her and pull her over to the wall, I push her up against it and smash my lips in hers and feel...something. I brush it off and pull away, her eyes still closed, she opens them and looks at me confused.


I see Draco run up to me, I know what's about happen, i just hope it's quick. He gets to me and grabs my wrist and yanks me to the wall. He kisses me hard without a second to think. My eyes almost pop out of my head but then they soon flutter closed. This feels right, like I was made for this and only this, I know he feels it too, the way the kiss changes from forced to passionate did not go un noticed.

He pulls away and i slowly open my eyes, i watch his eyes go from a cool blue to an ice cold grey within seconds, he runs off leaving me there shocked.

I look around and see everyone staring at me with wide eyes, my eyes dart to the ground and cheeks flush up, before i know it i'm running to the Gryffindor common room.

I walk past the fat lady in the main room and see Lydia siting on the red plush couch doing some work. I run up to her excited, "Lydia! Guess what?!" I say. She looks up at me confused, "What?" "We'll be excited i have news!" i reply to her.

"Ok....what's the news natalie?" She says with an eyebrow raised, "Draco just kissed me! He ran up to me and just kissed me! It felt so right, like a thousand fireworks going off the minute we touched! I know he felt it too!" I spit out fast. "Don't be stupid, he's just using you" She says looking back down at her work, "What? Why the hell would you think that?" I am getting angry. "He walked in on Harry and I kissing and got mad, that's the reason he came up to you, it's not like...he actually likes you." She says looking back up at me.

"Why do you think the world revolves around you? A guy can't kiss me just because? You think everyone here loves you Lydia but guess what, that's not true. Draco likes me and THATS why he kissed me." I yell at her and stand up, causing eyes from the other Gryffindors. "Gosh Natalie just shut the hell up, i'm not saying your not good enough for a kids i'm saying that Draco is clearly obsessed with me and THATS why he kissed you. You're acting like a brat so drop it." She replies slowly standing up. My face fills with rage and i can't control my anger, and i slap her...hard. She turns her face and looks at me, I can practically see the fire in her eyes but i'm not scared, she had this coming.

"What the hell is wrong with you, you crazy bitch?" She spits and pushes me back. I fall to the ground and when i get up i'm furious. I reach for my wand and just then i see Ava walk through the door, her face quickly falling. "What is going on?" She asks, "Stay out of this." I reply never taking my eyes of Lydia. I continue to pull out my wand and i see Ava bolt towards me. I don't hesitate, i point my wand at Lydia and say, "Stup-" Before i can finish I feel Avas fist crash into my jaw, sending me to the ground.


Ava just punched Natalie in the face in the middle of the common room, she's sure got an arm, must be from hanging around the twins so much. "Damn" I say looking over at Ava. She smiles at me and we walk out of the common room leaving Natalie on the floor.

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