Chapter 1

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It's always funny how different children can be from their parents ;especially when from birth the personality of the child is what many would call extravagant. Asking similar questions was one of the daily hobbies of Doomie, who was the clear example of the differences between parents and children; and at that moment Doomie was torn between thinking about it or finishing reading for the fifth time her favorite book ¨The Canterville Ghost¨ by Oscar Wilde; while her body internally counted the time that was missing for her mother to tell her to enter home, tell her to put down her books once and for all and recommend that she review her lessons, as it is "what a normal young lady does".

Doomie never had a fondness for the usual hobbies of girls her age, such as going over and over again lessons in manners, choosing new fabrics for new dresses, or practicing dance.

Father and mother, as she used to call them, constantly talked until very late at night, debating who had the most mistakes in the game education of Doomie (they called her Doom) as to for her to develop such a peculiar personality.

As Doomie predicted, her mother finally called out to her.
-Doom, come in right now. Have dinner and go to bed because tomorrow we will visit your grandmother Gloom's mansion.

Much to her regret she went home, paused her book, took the hot chocolate and the usual porridge of every night and went to her room.

In bed, she looked for several minutes the beautiful scarlet chandelier that was on her bedside table, it was an inheritance from Grandma Gloomie.

Mother and father always said "change now, Doom, your grandmother Gloom was just like you and the whole family walked away from her. You don't want that happen.”
They said that, from his youth, Gloom Westenra was a rare woman; liked to cut roses and let them dry to decorate her room with them, she wore dresses and lace always dark, drew things "not appropriate for a delicate lady ”, and, above all, she immersed herself passionately in reading. Yes they had
reason, Doomie was extremely similar to her grandmother Gloomie and that didn't bother her at all.

She began to imagine what Blackwater Manor would be like, and she had to really imagine it because Doomie had never actually been there and had never met Grandma.

Grandma Gloomie had only lived long enough to be able to choose the name of her granddaughter (in complete opposition of mother and father, but it couldn't be helped, as it was a family tradition) and she died the next day, quietly in bed, holding her favorite book "Wuthering Heights" and surrounded by the things she loved.

Looking at the scarlet chandelier and holding between her arms "the ghost of Canterville" Doomie stayed
asleep, thinking tenderly of her grandmother.


Doomie in Blackwater Manor Where stories live. Discover now