Chapter 8

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Suspended for 3 days. Typical. The fucking school system around here is a joke, they’d turn a blind eye to some dickweed bullying an underclassmen but the minute someone puts him in his place then it’s a problem. Oh well, I know she saw me punch Ian’s lights out, what with the ruckus he caused, of course she ignored it. Dumbass didn’t even care about my unwarranted heroism on her behalf. Tsk, think I’ll go home & rub one out. I need to release some tension & I’m tired anyway so two stones. I still don’t know why his comments pissed me off so much, I mean what is it about Emelia that intrigues me so much.? I shouldn’t care about her, I don’t. She can get fucked for all I care.
Ah, home. Finally the solace that is my bed, -oof- I’ve had such an exhausting last few days I didn’t realise just how much of a toll it had taken on me. I don’t think I’ve ever had that much human interaction in my life. “Such a pain..” When I punched Ian, I could have sworn I saw a glimpse of Emelia smiling a little, almost like..glee. Did she enjoy seeing his ass get handed to him? That girl is such a mess & a mystery. My eyes are starting to glaze over, my mind is taking me back to last weekend. Boy, did I yell or what. “Maybe I was a little harsh last weekend..I should..apoli-...” And I’m out. 
“Philip! Hey Philip! I know you’re in there! You got suspended, so where else do you have to go? You have no friends, now let me in!” 
Ugh, my perfect nap being interrupted by some asshole knocking repeatedly. Just go the fuck away! “I’m sleeping! Fuck off!”
“I’m not going to stop knocking until you open up!” 
More loud knocking, I swear if this isn’t a life or death situation it’s going to quickly turn into one because I’m going to kill whoever is disrupting my sleep. Grr, I can’t fucking sleep with that obnoxious banging! Fine, I’ll fucking answer the door. “I’m coming, I'm coming just quit your bitching! Jesus!” I\Boy am I in a piss poor mood now, & it’s not going to get any better because who else is at my door but the wicked witch herself. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. She’s grinning like she just found out she can shit gold, so annoying.
“Wow you look like shit.” 
I can tell she’s trying not to laugh at my semi pitiful state, she’s doing an awful job at it though, that clearly was a tiny giggle I heard. Bitch. “Sorry, I don’t accept girl scout cookies from hookers.” I intended to slam the door in her face but I can’t very well do that when she’s wedged her foot in the door & won’t fucking move it. I’ll admit, I didn’t expect her to do that. But that’s Emelia, unpredictable as usual.
“Come on! You know I don’t do that, why do you have to be so mean?!”
Damn, this girl is alot stronger than I give her credit for, she’s making me work to close this door-! “Don’t you have an ex to stalk or something?!” 
-grunt- “That's what I wanted to talk to you about! I saw you punch him & I wanna know why you did it!”
No fucking way am I telling her. She can’t know I laid into him for talking shit about her. “What’s there to talk about? He pissed me off so I whacked him, there, you happy? Now leave me alone you-freak-!” Where does the bitch get her strength-? Just give up already!
“Oh you’re such a liar Philip Dorian! I smelt bullshit the whole way here! People like you are all dirty looks & snarky comments but never follow through, you don’t bite unless provoked! I wanna know what provoked you! Now lemme in!”
She’s putting all her weight on the door while I can’t do that or I’ll really hurt her, stubborn cunt doesn’t know when to give up. Well lucky for her neither do I, “Never! Get your foot out of my door!”
“You get your door off my foot you jackass-!”
If I’m being completely honest, I’m probably the only one who’s ever heard the bubbly ball of “sweetness” curse, and it’s nine times out of ten directed at or provoked by me. What can I say? I bring the ‘best’ out of people. This door fight however is the most childish thing I’ve ever done, I feel like I’m having a fight with my sibling to stay out of my room, and I’m an only child!
 “Philip I’m getting pissed off now let-me-in!” 
She used all of her body weight & anger to give the door one last swift shove, and once again, she had me on my ass. I’m getting kinda sick of this always happening, me ending up on my ass with a mildly chagrin look on my face & her looking down on me with pride for once again, overpowering me. Wipe that smirk off your face. 
“There, now let’s talk.”
“Why do you want to talk so bad?” I growl, “Did you forget about the other day already? I said I quit, I’m not playing your stupid games anymore.” 
“Of course I didn’t forget you moron. I just choose to set aside our differences this one time to tell you we should go out!” 
“...huh?” I blinked for a second to process this. Is she serious? “Go out..?”
“Yeah just the two of us! Let’s go to the beach! I know a great bridge spot.” 
Oh. She means outside. Man do I feel like a dumbass. I can’t help but look away for a second because my damn face is starting to turn red from shame. I can’t believe I thought- geez....there’s still no way I like her, even a little. Ugh. Fuck me. “Fine but I’m not explaining to you why I punched your ex. I owe you nothing.” 
“Oh please. If anything I owe you an explanation. Come on let’s go.”
Hm. A real smile and extending her hand, I guess she’s not completely fugly. If I like her at all, I’m going to kill myelf. 

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