what hidden powers do you have?

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(Sorry this was late tho 😅✌)

ARIES - Invisibility
Advantages  - you can spy on your senpai all you want- I mean if there's TROUBLE you can just disappear so it's kindy handy tho.
Disadvantages- welp if your talkative then the invisibility is no use😣 and maybe if you stay invisible for way toooo long you'll stay invisible forever😅

TAURUS - Superhuman Strength
Advantages - welp if someone need some help in carrying heavy things your very needed fufufufu.
Disadvantages- it's very tiring since they're going to use your strength to carry heavy items😅 and you need to control your temper or ehem there will be dent😣

GEMINI - Shapeshifting
Advantages - you can become anyone that you wanted to be hehehe you'll know their secrets and what not🙄
Disadvantages- just be careful not to be caught or hell will break lose and I assure you we wouldn't want right?

CANCER - Super Speed
Advantages - welp you can use this if your in TROUBLE you can run away😆
Disadvantages- well you can get into accidents and if you want to do something right you need to take your time ehhhh.

LEO - Super Senses
Advantages - well if someone has been stalking your or talking sh*t behind your back you know it fufufufu😏
Disadvantages - welp if you need to sleep it will be very hard since you can sense everything around you so be prepared to stay awake all night.

VIRGO - Telepathy
Advantages -   you can use this power of yours to delete some embarrassing things in someone's mind😆
Disadvantages-  welp it can give you migraines and sometimes you'd even hear some unholy things inside that person's  mind.

LIBRA - Teleportation
Advantages -  you can go anywhere of course welp except that you can go only inside the school.
Disadvantages- just be careful in teleporting because you can get seriously TROUBLE tho😣😥

SCORPIO - Regenerative Powers
Advantages -  well you can heal yourself and even how many times you get scratched or hurt, you'll still be fine.
Disadvantage -  but even though you can heal you can still feel the sting and you can still get hurt.

SAGITTARIUS -  Camouflage
Advantage-  well just like invisibility you can hide yourself if you know how to stay quiet.😅
Disadvantage - just like invisibility you can hide yourself but if you stay camouflage for too long you'll stay like that for eternity.

CAPRICORN - Super Intelligent
Advantage- you'll be very SMART and a lot of people will look up to you😅
Disadvantage -  man the head ache and migraine your experiencing right now.

AQUARIUS - Elasticity
Advantages - damn your very bendy tho. Gahhhh
Disadvantage - man if you'll stay like that your bones will hurt very much.

PISCES - Resurrection
Advantages - well if your pet died you can resurrect it back tho so YEAH it's helpful
Disadvantage - just be careful in resurrecting because you might resurrect some mindless corpse.

(That's all for today fufuf)

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