Chapter Four- Speedy Rescue of Misdelivery

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The pups were over the moon when they began racing back to the look out in their rescue racer vehicles. What's even more awesome is that the twins have racecars instead of their normal bikes. The Mobile Pitstop transformed it, and Tuck and Ella couldn't be happier.
Ryder rode in the Mobile Pitstop with Robo-Dog, his ATV stored in the back. All 11 pups were riding right behind them. It was a pretty smooth ride, until Ryder's Pup Pad began ringing.

"Hello, Mr. Porter. What's up?" Ryder answered, finding a familiar mustached food genius on his screen, looking in distress.

"Ryder, I need you and the Paw Patrol fast! The robot cars I bought to make deliveries all across town faster are running wild and I can't control them. They're delivering the wrong orders to different houses and they're making a big mess on the streets." Mr. Porter wailed into his phone, showing Ryder the scene of the problem behind him.
It really was a disaster. The roads and sidewalk are covered in spilled food, and robots that look like toy cars carrying bags of food were running around like crazy.

If there was ever a need for speed in a rescue, this would probably it. The robot cars were driving around town crazy fast. The food was everywhere and it could cause unwanted accidents from pedestrians and drivers, not to mention all the food will be wasted if something wasn't done fast.

"Don't worry Mr. Porter, we'll be there as fast as we can." Ryder briefly ended the call and pup tagged all 11 pups that were driving behind him.

"Pups, we have a super fast emergency. Mr. Porter's robot cars have gone crazy while delivering food. They've made huge mess around town and messing up deliveries. Mr. Porter can't control them. I think they may have gone haywire and the remote got busted." Ryder informed the pups.

"Oh no!" Rubble exclaimed.

"What do we do, Ryder?" Tuck asked.

"Rocky, see if you can try and fix the remote and get the cars to stop."

"Green means Go!" Rocky saluted.

"Marshall and Rubble, clean up the roads from the spilled food so that no accidents can happen to anyone."

"I'm all fired up." Marshall saluted.

"Rubble on the Double." Rubble saluted.

"The rest of you pups, round up the robot cars into one spot and keep them there until Rocky can figure out what's wrong. Remember, they're running wild around town. And we have a need for speed on this rescue, pups."

And the remaining 8 pups howled in agreement before all the vehicles rode at full speed towards town from the desert.


When they got to town, it looked even worse than Ryder anticipated. It was like a huge food fight happened while they were gone, and it was still happening with all these robot cars driving around like crazy.

"Robo-Dog, take the Mobile Pitstop back to the look out, then come back here to help. We need all the help we can get." Ryder instructed the robotic canine as he opened the ramp of the large truck and rode his ATV out to lead the pups on the mission better.

Robo-Dog barked, following his orders and carefully drove back up to the look out in the slippery food street.

"Look at all this food gone to waste on the ground. It's making me so hungry." Rubble whimpered as he stared sadly on the pile of wasted food on the ground, his tummy rumbling.

"All right pups, we gotta hurry. Let's go." Ryder told them and they all split up.
Ryder went with Rocky to see if they could have a better chance at fixing the remote together. The rest of the pups went separate ways. Marshall hosing down the food on the road into the drainage. Rubble scooping up food from the sidewalks and placing them all in the trash. And the other pups rounding up the robot cars.

A Paw Patrol: Ready, Race, Rescue! Story- The Adventure Bay Pup 500 Charity RaceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя