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" I'm quitting." Ukai stopped in his tracks, much taken aback by his words. Didn't know what to reply, Ukai asked a small question even though he already knew what the ginger head meant, " Q-Quitting what . . ?"

" The team." He really wanted to stay but if Hyori's also there, he rather be the one to stay away.

" Wait— What? Why??" He asked, quickly sitting in front of the red-haired, " Please, don't tell me you're joining another school . ."

" I'm . . . really sorry. It's just that, I . . had to. I had to leave."

What about the quick? What about the others? You're just going to leave us like this?, " . . . I know that it's your decision, but why? Are you bored? Is there something going on with the team when I'm not looking?"

" There is." Ukai froze by the sudden reply, " What's happening?" Something's weird. Ukai thought.

" The team didn't tell you about Hyori? The rumors going around the team that I slapped her . . which was not true."

" Slapped her? What do you mean? What's the reason?" What do you mean slap her? When?

" There's no reason. It's just that Hyori is a person who's really good at pretending. You'll probably think that I'm making up stories 'cause she's a girl, but I'll tell you," Shoyo paused, clearing his throat before continuing,

" Ever since Hyori came, everything's turning weird. Last last week, she told me to meet you at the gym, saying that you have something to talk about. But when I got there, you're not there," Shoyo paused when he saw Ukai about to same something, " I can't remember me calling you to talk about something."

"I know, Ukai-san. But before that happened, she talked to me. She said that I should stay away from the team, from the others, from Atsumu. Then she took my hand, harshly slapping herself using my hand. Unfortunately, Fukurodani's vice-captain came. He saw that scene which was not what he think it is. That's when it started. Then she became our third manager. Do we even need another one, Ukai-san?"

" No. But she forced herself to be one so we can't really do anything about it." Ukai said, crossing his arms as he lean back on his chair, really curious about what Shoyo will say next. Thankfully, every detail, Ukai believed that it's true. As far as he know, Shoyo's not a kid that would lie about things.

" Oh . . do still want me to continue?"

" Please do."

" As I was saying, she became our manager. I really don't know why she hates me so much but it's okay to hurt me. She didn't have to involve my sister in this, " There, Ukai quickly leaned forward, causing the redhead to lean back a bit, " Did she do something to Natsu??"

" Natsu explained to me. She told me that Hyori's telling her how bad of a person I am, that I'm just faking my love for her as a brother. She yelled back, which irked Hyori that caused her to kick Natsu. Pretty hard in the stomach. I'm sure you know that kids don't lie. I didn't teach her to lie."

" It depends on who's guiding the kid, but it's you. And your sister. So yes I'm sure."

" And I think next, after I'm gone, she'll ruin the team's bond. She ruined mine and the team's bond so there's a possibility. If you think I'm saying things behind her back, you're wrong. I'm just telling the truth."

" I'm not really the type of person to believe things like this, especially coming from a kid but you're convincing. I didn't know and I'm really sorry for that. I'm a coach but I didn't know that things like this had been going around lately. I'm sorry." Ukai plead, bowing his head a bit, but Shoyo waved his hand lightly as a sign to not, " No no it's fine. I know you're busy with the team, and your store so it's not your fault."

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