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A/N - I'm tireddddddddddd and I hate schoolllllllll Q&A COMIN UP

Alexander's POV

I smiled as I opened the door to the coffee shop and stepped in. John looked up and grinned. "Hey! Usual?"
"Please?" I smiled, John nodded and grabbed a cup. Francis came out of the back and his eyes widened. He glanced at John then me and I giggled. "I'm not mad." John looked up at Francis and smiled.
"It's fine, Francis." He chuckled, Francis nodded slowly and I leaned against the counter. "How was-"
"Don't. Just don't. Happy thoughts." I hummed, John laughed and I straightened up. "Hey, uh-...There's a charity ball coming up and-"
"How many fucking balls do y'all throw?" John scoffed as Francis laughed.
"A lot. Anyway, I have to be with Eliza publicly-" I fake gagged and John smiled sympathetically. "-and it'd be nice if you were there." I sighed.
"Oh...When? I picked up a couple extra shifts this week."
"Saturday night?"
"Saturday works." He smiled.
"Oh! You have a plus one too. If you'd like-..." I mumbled, John looked at Francis and he awkwardly tried to pretend that he wasn't paying attention. John flicked his arms and he jumped, staring at John.
"Would you like to be my plus one?" John asked.
"If it's ok with Alex." He mumbled awkwardly.
"You dumb bitch, he's the one that offered!" John laughed, I followed suit and Francis chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah. I'll be your plus one." Francis mumbled, blushing and fidgeting. I smiled lightly and John handed me my drink.
"Cool. Thanks, Jack. I can't stay. I have a fitting and then dinner with Eliza." I sighed.
"Ah, ok. I'll see you later."
"See ya." I hummed, exiting the shop.
"Alex! Wait!" I heard someone call, I turned to see Francis walking up.
"Oh, hey." I smiled, a woman gasped and bowed to me. I waved her off and Francis ran his fingers through his hair. "What do you need?"
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't realize-"
"You don't have to explain yourself." I smiled. "I really have to go. I just wanted to stop by and say 'hi'." I hummed.
"Oh...ok." Francis nodded. "Bye."
"Bye." I smiled, walking off.

"Ow!" I glared at the tailor and he glared back. I sighed and the door opened.
"Alex?" Gil called.
"Hey, how's your knee?"
"Still hurts a bit." I sighed.
"Oh...Did you get everything squared away with John?"
"Yeah..." I sighed.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I mumbled, the tailor finished pinning and I put my arms down.
"That's all, Your Highness."
"Thanks." I jumped off the pedestal and slipped out of the dress, leaving me in shorts and a tank top.
"Wow...You've really matured." Gil frowned.
"I have too." I sighed, putting my jacket on. Gil frowned a bit and I pushed past him. "Now. If you'll excuse me, I have a date with Eliza." I hummed, leaving the room.

Lafayette's POV

I frowned, glancing at the tailor. He shrugged and started cleaning up. I left the room and started down the hall. Alex was always combative and rude. Is there something he isn't telling me? I ran face first into someone and I almost fell. "Oh, gosh! I'm so sorry, Your Highness!" Kitty gasped.
"It's fine." I sighed, she turned to walk off and I grabbed her arm. "Is Alex ok?"
"What do you mean?"
"He's acting strange?"
"I don't think so. He's been well behaved."
"And that's not weird?" I raised an eyebrow and she thought for a moment.
"I guess you're right." She frowned.
"He's acting very mature and I'm just worried about him. I know something happen with John but-"
"I'll see if I can figure out what's wrong. I have to go help him though." I nodded and released her, letting her leave.

Alexander's POV

I pushed Kiki aside as I laid out my dress and shoes of choice. Kitty opened the door and frowned. "What are you doing, hun? I was coming right back."
"There's no reason you should have to-"
"Alex, I'm your aid. It's my job."
"Well, you have better things to do. I've got it."
"Ok." She huffed, putting her hands on her hips and kind of scaring me. The last time I heard that tone of voice was when my mother was still alive. "What aren't you telling me? Something happened with John and you're not telling me. What is it?"
"Alexander!" She huffed.
"He kissed Francis!" I spat, folding my arms and sitting on the bed. Kitty sighed and sat next to me.
"Why are you acting like this?"
"Like what?"
"So mature, hun. You're fifteen! You should be making sex jokes and laughing until you shit yourself but you're not acting like yourself."
"I'm gonna be king soon. I have to grow up-"
"No. You don't give a shit about that. What's really the problem?" I sighed and flopped in her lap.
"Why didn't he kiss me?" I sniffed, Kitty stroked my hair and sighed.
"He can't, hun."
"But I wanna." I cried.
"I know. I'm sorry, love, but it is what it is."
"Why me? Why does everything bad happen to me? Can I not be happy? Is that it?" I sobbed.
"Oh, honey, no! Don't say that!" Kitty scolded. "I'm sure things will work themselves out."
"No, they won't!" I cried. "I'm gonna marry a bitch and run a country I wasn't even born in!" I groaned. "I know I should be grateful. I got a second chance at life but this is shitty and it hurts!" I sobbed, Kitty pulled me up and hugged me.
"It'll be ok. I'm sure it'll be ok." She kissed my head and stroked my hair. "You need to get dressed." I nodded and got up, grabbing my dress. I changed in the bathroom and Kitty helped me put my hair up in a simple ponytail. My phone buzzed and I glanced at it.
Common Dummy
Have fun with Eliza :)

I'll try :)
I smiled lightly and slipped my phone in my pocket, kissing Kiki goodbye and waving bye to Kitty.

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