chapter 4

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"Get out here you little fucks! I've finally found you!" The man on the other side of the door yelled, we both knew that voice, it was a voice that hunted so many of our nightmares. Dex, our old foster father.

"How the hell did he find us?!" I yell in a whisper to Rafe.

"That's what I came here to tell you about, but I think I was a little late." He replied hastily in a panicked whisper "Is the go bag still in the same place?" I nodded. "Go to the fire escape now." He almost yelled but still whispered. I nodded and ran.

When I reach the fire escape I climb out the window and start running up the stairs towards the roof. It's not long before I hear Rafe climb out the window.

"What the hell Darien? Wrong way!" He almost yells. I nod, embarrassed, and run back down to him. We reach the bottom faster than I thought we would and start running.

"Where the hell are we going?" I ask

"I don't know but we can't be seen." He answers.

"My parents' old house?" I ask, almost out of breath.

"Are you crazy Darien? That's all the way in Barryton!" He yells back.

"Well then how about your old place? It's closer but still miles away." I say back with a fair bit of snark.

"That's a good idea, for once." He mumbled the last part but I still heard it.

"'For once', really, Rafe? Who came up with the plan to get away from this lunatic in the first place? Huh? Me it was me! Who decided to get the apartment? Me! Who faked their death? You Rafe! You faked your death three years ago almost! I blamed myself every day for three fucking years that I got you killed! I blamed myself!" I was yelling and crying by the end.

"Really Darien? I faked my death?! I don't know if you remember but I wanted nothing to do with getting my throat slashed! In case you didn't know; that shit hurt like hell, so no, I very much did not consent! So I didn't do anything, those guys faked my death THEY did! I didn't do anything!" He screamed back at me angry tears streaming down his face and scar over his right eye that I hadn't noticed before.

Now that I look at him I notice that he's a few inches taller than, me broader shoulders, muscular and his hair is longer. He also got really hot honestly.

"Darien! I know I'm really hot and all but you can check me out when we're safe, yea?" He said jokingly.

I noticed I fell about ten feet behind when I was thinking. I mean yea I've always been gay but for Rafe? I never thought about him like that. I drop what I'm thinking and continue running, this is a problem for later.

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