Under the sea~ (F)

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For future references,

a) BNHA and Tokyo Ghoul are two of my favourite animes

So, I decided that this will be a crossover of two ships; kagehina.... And TODODEKU BECAUSE IT'S ONE OF MY OTPS, and there may be a tiny bit of Tokyo Ghoul.

Welp, I hope you enjoy! :))

P. S. If you haven't watched BNHA or Tokyo Ghoul, put them on your watchlist


"Hey, Todoroki, have you got everything?" I asked.

"Yeah, don't worry. You?"

I nodded.

Me and Todoroki Shoto, are both scuba divers. We absolutely love the sea and the ocean, and everything below it. All the creatures, plants... It fascinates us both.

We met when I was eleven and he was thirteen, and we were both taking our very first scuba diving lessons. I still remember that the first ones were mostly theory, and we could only observe and take notes. But a week after, we were aloud to go in the water. It was amazing, and from then on, we both took similar paths, with them leading to being professional scuba divers, film makers and photographers.

We now worked together, exploring, filming, and taking pictures of anything fascinating we found under water. We now had a new mission, and that was leading to us going to an exotic island, and staying there for a span of three, four months.

Our boss told us that it was not completely explored yet, and the scientists and biologists still needed information, and since we were one of the best in our community, we were chosen.

Me and Todoroki went to the harbour, and got on our respective motor boat, that luckily had a roof and seats.

It took us half a day to get there, which was surprisingly fast. Me and Todoroki saw some dolphins on the way there, and we made sure to take pictures of them, just in case.

Once we arrived, the boss's secretary helped us to take our bags and show us around the place.

The island itself was medium sized, from a far distance, you could see the entire island. But up close, it seemed pretty big. It seemed like a sort of cliché island; there was a beautiful, pale, sandy shore, where the waves gently crashed. The cabin was almost right next to the shore, about two hundred meters away from it. The sea was transparent, and you could see almost anything. Behind the cabin were a ton of palm trees and bushes, all exotic.

Todoroki and I were mesmerized, so much that we forgot the main reason we were here for. Our secretary, Kirishima, snapped her fingers in front of our faces, waking us up from the trance we were in.

She sighed. "Come on guys, I have to get back already, and you two need to take some pictures at least. Let's go in. I presume Bakugou already told you what to do, right?" She asked, putting her violet hair in a pony tail.

We both nodded. She nodded back in confirmation. "Good. Now-"

She took us inside our cabin, and gave us three sets of keys; one for us each and a spare. She then proceeded to show us around, telling us the Wi-Fi password (and writing it down, just in case), telling us that there was a small motor boat with a shade covering it right next to the cabin, and if anything happened, to immediately contact them. We were not doctors or medics, but we were both pretty good at first aid, we knew all the methods of saving someone if they were drowning, or dying from loss of breath, and, if worst came to worst, be both knew how to perform small surgeries, though Todoroki is better at that then me.

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