Cold Hands (F)

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Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for the late update, but today is literally the first time I've come back to Wattpad for a few days. 

Recently, I've done quite a bit of smut, so this one and the next one will both be fluff, sorry to disappoint the thirsty readers, but as this book is also for fluff and not only smut, I hope you understand. 

Also, thank you all so much for the reads and votes! Istg I didn't know this book would even get here to this point. 

Anyways, on the story! I hope you enjoy, I love you all! 

Have a nice day/night! 



Kageyama's hands were almost always cold. 

Even in summer, in the scorching heat under the sun, they were as cold as ice, and said boy hated it. His classmates and volleyball team always teased him for it, and even if he wore gloves, or put his hands under hot water, his palms would warm up a little, but his fingers were as cold as icicles.

But, there are times where Kageyama finds his hands hot, like when he plays volleyball, or when he goes for a hot shower. Sometimes when he writes a lot (whether it's in class or when he does homework) his hands do warm up. But that's rare. Well, him writing a lot and his hands not being cold are both rare. 

Hinata only found out the second or third time he held Kageyama's hand. He found it a bit weird that his hands were freezing in Spring, but brushed it off. But the second time, he got a bit concerned that his boyfriend's hands were so freakishly cold inside a warm house with central heating. He asked Kageyama about it, but the raven simply pushed the topic away, saying that it was just because he wasn't feeling well. But he knew something was up when they were cuddling together and Hinata reached out to the raven's hand to play with his fingers, and they gave him goosebumps all over his arms from the un-warmth that they gave off. 

Hinata made it his new priority to always keep his blueberry's hands as warm as possible.

Hinata's hands have always been warm. Honestly, all of Hinata was warm no matter what the weather is like or what season of the year it is.

His family and friends always told him he was like a furnace, and in winter, he was like a large hot water bottle with ginger hair and arms and a body and- well, you get my drift. 

Sometimes, when Natsu got cold at night, she would get out of her bed, then tiptoe to her brother's room, and crawl into bed with him. The mix of the warm bed sheets and her extremely hot brother lulled her to sleep, and Hinata never minded, always finding it sweet. 

Kageyama, somehow, knew that the middle blocker's hands were warm- in a way, Hinata is the sun of the Karasuno Volleyball team (and his life too, but he's too prideful to admit that) and it would be strange if his hands weren't warm. Plus, he's always bouncing around and full of energy, so it's normal that he's always hot. 

The first time Kageyama held Hinata's hand though, he wasn't expecting the heat to send a wave of electricity up his spine and making him shiver. He wasn't expecting such warmth from Hinata's small hand, the heat spreading throughout his whole body and giving him goosebumps over his arms and back. 

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