Chapter One

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The last few years had passed by in a blur of noise for Jackie, well except that last year, 1983 had dragged maliciously slow, each day felt emptier than the last.

It's strange how things had turned out, she always had a plan, knew what she wanted, knew how life worked.

God, how stupid had she been.

She'd come into the 80's with a head full of hope and dreams and for a while it was okay, she was okay.

Then Fez asked her to marry him, out of nowhere and in front of all the people she loved; but she never got to answer his question. Her flickering gaze finding Hyde over Fez's shoulder was the only answer he needed.

They hadn't spoken much after that, he needed time. That time turned into sweet, informal birthday and Christmas cards.

He was another of the people she loved that had left her behind. Kelso and Brooke had tried to stay in touch, but work and Betsy kept them so busy. She and Donna never really got back to what they were, they'd smile and nod in the street, sometimes they even made small talk but neither sought out the other.

She'd lost her sister.

And Hyde, well, she lost him so long ago… his indifference to her had constantly picked away at the never healing scab that coated her heart.

If it wasn't for Eric and his parents Jackie wondered what would have happened to her; how alone she'd truly be.

On Tuesday's she'd go and have tea with Mrs Forman, who'd somehow managed to teach the helpless little socialite how to cook the most perfect apple pie you've ever eaten.

Saturday was more often than not spent in the garage with Mr Forman, after that day with the flashlight her interest in cars had sored and for a long time she kept that passion hidden, until there was no one left to hide it from anymore.

Now, thanks to Red, she could take apart a car engine blindfolded and then piece it back together with touch alone.

Then there was Eric, her best friend.

I know it's crazy right?

Eric Forman and Jackie Burkhart; Best friends.

If you'd have told her that was even a possibility six years ago she'd have kicked you so hard in the shins your bones would have wobbled for a week.

Their strange connection began a few weeks after he'd come home. Eric was playing catch up with the people he loved who'd turned into strangers, Donna became mean, Hyde cruel, Fez was successful, Kelso responsible and Jackie was quiet.

His world had turned on its head so yeah, he needed a drink, he didn't know she'd be there, sitting alone in a dark corner.

That night they barely talked, three weeks into it they pretended like it didn't matter, pretended everything was the way he'd left it.

By week six Eric was sobbing into her arms about how fucked up everything was.

They'd laugh later, him joking about how the Devil had comforted and soothed him, had let him pass out in her bed while yelling at him to drink the water she was practically forcing down his throat.

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