Chapter Two

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This was insane.


Some fucked up dream.

I mean clearly, she was passed out in the middle of the road and had slipped into some sort of coma because how else could you explain the fact that she was suddenly standing in her old bedroom in her slightly younger-but-still-beautiful-as-ever body.

"Kitten, what's the matter?"

Jackie had been so busy freaking out that she didn't even hear her bedroom door open, her father looking at her curiously, after all she did just scream the house down.


Jack Burkhart took a step closer to his little girl, worry starting to pool at the strange look in her eyes "What's wrong? Did you see a spider? Jackie, why were you screaming?"

Blinking herself clear of the fog in her head Jackie just nodded "Spider."

In all honesty she hadn't feared spiders in years, she lived with Eric for god sake, so if she didn't man up neither of them would have been able to ever use the bathroom again.

With a sigh of relief Jack kissed her on the head "I'll get Daniella in here to get it. I have to head to work now Kitten, I'm not sure what time I'll be home and your Mother's going to the country club so be good, alright? I love you."

She didn't get a chance to mutter out an overly excited 'I love you too, Daddy' like she once did before he'd walked out the room, door closed behind him.

She fell to the floor, her knees crushing into the soft pink carpet. Her mind was going a mile a minute… then out of the corner of her eye, she saw Fluffycakes, the overly stuffed pink unicorn Michael had bought after taking her virginity and then spending a week flipping a coin on whether to dump her.

Reaching out she dug her perfect nails into the seems and started ripping it apart, after all she had done pretty much the same thing to the offending unicorn once before.

It was strangely therapeutic at the time.

Now though, as white stuffing started to fall around her like snow, it was barely a frustration release.

She didn't understand what the hell was happening, she only knew one thing… she needed Eric!

So, digging through her clothes, most of which she had tossed years ago, she found some semblance of an outfit, and raced for the door after quickly brushing her hair. She thanked god that she was so pretty and the makeup she wore was only to highlight that… imagine if she had to go outside without makeup and be ugly!

The horror.

No, really!

She raced through the streets like a mad woman, she hadn't been behind the wheel of her Firebird since she sold it for rent money while living with Fez.

She was half way to her and Eric's apartment before she turned around, realizing in this stupid dream world he wouldn't be there.

He'd be home.

She let herself into the kitchen and practically threw herself into Kitty's arms "Oh my god Mrs Forman, it's just so horrible!"

"well now, honey it can't be that bad." She smiled at her, a real smile filled with sweetness and light just like Jackie remembered.

"It is, I need to talk to Eric. Is he here?"

"Last I saw he was in the basement I think… do you need to talk? Maybe we should call your mother?" this Kitty didn't know that Pam Burkhart was a dead-beat mom in designer heels, so Jackie just kissed her cheek as she stormed towards the basement door "No, I just need Eric!"

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