Chapter Seven

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Steven Hyde was not happy.

In fact, he was pretty pissed off.

I mean seriously what the actual fuck?!

Last nights dream was probably one of the worst yet.

It was just as jumbled as the rest but this one didn't have one good freaking thing about it… not one!

First, he hate fucked some blonde chick he felt a strange contempt for.

Punched Kelso so hard his entire hand started silently screaming at him.

Then he got some fucked up power kick out of hurting Jackie, not burning her, no, it was way more fucked up than that, like he set out to see how far he could go until she left the room or started to tear up.

The last one he couldn't quite remember, he just kept hearing this voice in his head; fragments of a conversation.

"How could you do that?"

"I don't know who you are anymore, in fact I don't think I want to!"

"We're done."

He couldn't place the voice, it was familiar sure, but it was so full of anger and shock horror that he just couldn't focus on anything else.

But it was following him like his own shadow since the moment he opened his eyes that morning.

Digging his fingers into his mass of curls, pulling slightly with his eyes scrunched tight, Hyde ignored the sound of Bud leaving for work with a brief goodbye, just like he was trying to avoid the looped sentences running around his skull.

What the holy fuck was going on?

Across town Jackie was already up and ready, waiting on her front porch for her ride when she saw her mother's designer heel step out of some guys Rolls Royce, with dark sunglasses on, clearly hungover.

"Jackie sweetheart what are you wearing?" Jackie could feel her mother's judgmental eyes and couldn't help curling her tongue back in annoyance.

"It's my uniform for work mom, we went over this last week remember?"

Jackie doubted she did.

"Oh, right… look honey I know you and your father had some sort of disagreement but Jackie, sweetie, for god's sake look at yourself!" Pam cast a look around, hoping none of the neighbours could see her daughter dressed like… well like a poor person.

"I got a job mom, it's not the end of the world."

"Socially it is, and I heard from Janice that you quit the cheer squad? Why on earth would you do that? And this job… I taught you better than that. Pretty girls don't work, god did the work by making us pretty. Well me more so but still… have you even thought about how bad all this makes me look? My daughter, working some menial job in cheap polyester, what if someone we know sees you, or heaven forbid recognises you. It's like I don't even know you at all these days."

Jackie couldn't have bit back the bitter laugher even if she'd tried, not that she bothered "oh please, Pam, let's not, okay?"

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