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The two were confused. Baffled. Only because they had no idea where they were going. With the rain falling hard upon the earth and them fumbling as they made their way across a few streets, it was pretty complicated to have enough time to think about their destination; they just simply ran without any direction. Turning to almost every corner, it seemed as though they had explored much of the community.

Nonetheless, it was undeniably fun. Their unique smiles spread across their faces, their eyes wrinkling in excitement. Since exactly when did the two of them have so much fun like this? In fact, neither of them even remembered. They'd been too occupied with their respective problems and emotional burdens that they had almost forgotten what it was like to have their lips widely tugged with so much sincerity.

They were more worried about not finding a particular spot than possibly catching a cold or flu after all this. They were soaked in their outfits. Mina thought of her padded jacket which she carelessly left outside the studio, but shrugged it off, thinking that no one would dare to steal something during this very rainy afternoon.

A few vehicles were seen being driven. But it was certainly only the two of them freely roaming around. There weren't even any street animals, let alone people! The shops they'd passed by were mostly closed; the ones open were usually local restaurants and small markets. Jimin idly suggested about having ramen, which Mina agreed to. At the end, they both liked to save the eating part later.

"For now, we run."

That was what he said. Mina kept wondering, "Where?" Right, where were they headed to? The thing was, neither of them knew. It was a mere connection that dug a slightly deeper understanding in their friendship. Because at the back of their mind, all they really wanted to do. . . was have fun, and be as free as they could while they were still in this moment. The two of them hadn't known each other that well yet, but their senses told them they had to have fun, too.

Perhaps, this was one of those ways where they would really get to know each other more; as friends, as companions. Like, the things they'd want to do, the dreams they'd want to reach, the goals they'd want to achieve. This particular moment could lead them to open doors they hadn't thought of unlocking.

Mina wondered what it was like to see the brighter side of Jimin. Sure, she had seen him smile and giggle, but definitely not like this. The afternoons wherein she accompanied him to the studio and watched him try to improve day by day were, most of the times, heart-wrenching. To see someone suffer great fear of what they used to love was not her thing, yet she endured it because of him. Although she hadn't experienced such thing, she somehow gained a profound understanding of what it felt like.

She was worried that he might feel alone. And that, that made her stay. That made her endure his cries, his vulnerability, and the fear in his eyes. Now that she was literally seeing the genuine glint in his orbs even when it was difficult to see because of the rain, it made her realize that this was the happiest he probably was. And the way he'd look straight into her eyes with his smile spread across his face made her feel something tight in her chest.

It was crazy to think how they didn't even feel breathless. However, they had to stop. They had somehow made their way out of the streets and ended up in a small, empty park (was it even a park?). There were a few benches and a couple of light posts, both weren't turned on. What made them halt their movements wasn't the park itself though, but the open view of the sea ahead of them. It was clearly not the best weather for such view, but to them it was still a sight to see.

"The sea has never been this dull," Jimin spoke, stopping by one of the benches. With his eyes focused on the scenery, he took a seat on the bench.

Mina followed, sitting beside him. "Do you mean you haven't seen this kind of view for quite a while?" She looked at him as she patiently waited for an answer.

Passion Meets Fear | JiMinaWhere stories live. Discover now