Chapter 20

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You go back and the party continued like nothing ever happened. You got your stuff and felt people staring at you. Kanoka saw you, "Y/n! Are you ok?" "No." you say while crying. "I'll take you home." she says with a smile. You look at her and keep crying. She takes your hand and you guys walk to your house. "Wanna come in?" you ask her. "Sure." she replies. You smile and say, "You can stay the night if you want. My parents will be cool with it." "Sure." she says with a smile. Your parents were sleeping, so you guys went inside and quietly went to your room. You cried the whole night and just talked with Kanoka. She started crying too because she felt guilty for telling you not to say anything to Kageyama. "Its my fault. I never should've even talked to Oikawa!" you say. Kanoka just hugs you and you guys fall asleep. Its the next morning and you guys wake up. You guys go downstairs for breakfast with your family. You kept a happy face up for them. "So how was the party last night?" you mom asks. You reply, "It was really good. We just danced a lot." "Yeah." Kanoka agrees with you. You guys finish eating and Kanoka had to leave. "I'll see you at school." she says. "Yeah, see you tomorrow." you wave her goodbye. The day goes by and all you can think about is Kageyama. You want to go to his house and apologize, but you know you were in the wrong. So you gave him space. You watched movies all day and just ate food. You fell asleep while crying. You wake up and it's Monday morning, time for school. You get up and change. You don't have the energy for anything today but you head to school. Kageyama wasn't in class. You sat down and took out your book. "Hey y/n!" Fumiko says. You look up with your puffy eyes. "Hi Fumiko." you say with a slight smile. She looks at you with pity for a moment, "I saw what happened Saturday." You look back down to your book. "I don't think you did anything wrong. If all you did was talk to Oikawa, then there's really no problem. He's hot for sure, but you should be allowed to have guy friends." she says. You keep your head down and feel tears in your eyes again. You cant help but feel guilty. She sees your about to cry, "Im sorry for saying anything." She gets up and gives you a hug. Then she goes to her seat. You go through the day not really talking, and kageyama still didn't show up. The teams didn't have practice together today, so your not sure if he went to practice either. The week goes by and no sign of Kageyama. Everyday in first period Fumiko would sit with you and talk to you. The rest of your classes you always had a friend who would be with you, since Kageyama wasn't there. You've started to get worried. "Is he sick?" you think to yourself. You just keep worrying more and more as the day goes by. After practice you decided to go to his house.

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