Chapter 1. An unfortunate meeting.

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"Welcome to our home" a great bellow came from Odin's beard covered mouth. His golden eyepatch caught the sun and glinted. I was stood behind mother, of course she stood alone, as my father was no long of this world, as to put it in the words of the man who gave us the news when I was only a child He fought with great courage and died with great honor of course this was before i was placed under the veiling, my social suicide so to speak as the kind mortals of Midgard do, before i was left by my family to fend for myself with bearly any life on my lips, mother had come back after it was over but our relationship was never the same after that, none of my relationships were ever the same, my siblings still refuse to speak to me, them being old enough to fend for themselves in the great relms. i tried to focus on the here and now but i could feel the pain if my mother being here only looking after me because of this marriage. Odin stood with Frigga, she was truly as gentle looking as they say. This was my first time meeting her, it was true I had met all father before when I had caused myself to fall into trouble. But this was my first time meeting Frigga, and Odin's son.

I had been told that the king had in fact two sons.

Thor, the stranger who I am to marry and Loki, someone who's even name I had only heard vauge rummors and dark secrets about. Loki sounded by far the most fun out of the two but by what seemed to be unfair luck i got the boring one.

I could see The brothers stood there father with reagal posture and stone faces.

One was sliver armour with a red cloak of the finest materials, he had blonde hair that was wavey and suited to his face well. He look tense, or perhaps nervouse, maybe even both. But he was attractive all the same. This was Thor, I knew that much, his golden hair and muscles were famous. he brutallitly on the battlefield reigned supreme and scared me perhaps.

When I focused back onto the conversation I realised that the parents was almost over and soon I would have to meet him. Frigga took a step back and in I got a clear shot of Loki the other prince. He wasn't looking at me, or anyone for that matter. His attention was on the floor or the toes of his boots. But I could still see him, his hair was black covered by a large Golden helmet with horn like shapes attached to it. His eyes that could be containing all nine realms they were so deep, his cheekbones lay exquisitely upon is face. Although he was silent and cold he still had some sort of mischievous curl in his mouth.

"Ah! My dear Lofn" Odin said taking a step towards me greeting me with a large smile and open arms.

I was entered into a tight grip, one I'm glad ended quickly.

"This is my beautiful wife, Frigger" he took his wife's hand lightly and I bowed my head. Bow your head, smile, don't speak unless spoken too my mother had drilled into my head. i was trying not to mess this up so much, even i couldnt bring myself to make such a mistake on purpose, not with the Allfather, i can't risk the veiling not again, not by my self.

Frigga moved away from Odin to me, she gave a smile that filled her face.

"I'm so glad you are to be joining the family". Her voice was soft and kind, but behind that she still had the stern backdrop that a mother needs. joining the family... i was going to be part of the family, i tried not to curse or cringe.

"These are my sons" Odin waved his hands towards the two boys. Loki looked up and I was caught by his eyes, they were green that was sure, they were like cavens of old, filled with beautiful gems and trasures beond the stars.

The eye contact was apparently mutual because Loki had his gaze directly on me. I suddenly became very aware of my physical state. Usually in a time such as this my manners would be all that was going through my mind, but with Loki's eyes burning through me I couldn't help but brush down me dress. He was indeed atractive and the bright eyes of a boy have been a rare sight, the eyes of anyone infact. When I look to Thor he was taking a large step towards me. I inhaled a sharp breath.
Don't mess it up, please don't mess it up, Mouth keep you shit together, you've got this!

Thor took my hand and help it up.

He placed his lips of the back.

"Good Evening my name is Thor"

"My name is Loffy-"

"Lofn" my mother hissed behind me
...up... well done... bafoon.

"Lofn-my name is Lofn" I stammered to correct my self. The familiarity of called Myself by my nickname had gotten the better of me.
Thor was almost laughing, I hope it was because my embarrassment had broken the nervousness and not because he thought I had just been an idiot.
There was a moment of silence and avoided eye contact then, after what seemed like an eternity Frigga spoke.
"And this is Loki, our youngest son" He opened his mouth to what I presumed was a hello. But I was swept away by Odin and his great arms, I did take the moment to turn back subtly and find Loki had gone back to staring at the ground with a look on his face that made me feel such pity, not on purpose, it was hidden in his face behind the mask of a nutral stare. But thats what made it worse, i could see it but no one else, he had his mouth shut and walked behind his mother.
I wonder if his father did that a lot?

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