4. Unwanted Attention

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I woke up earlier than usual to take a bath. I slipped out of bed, dived into water and relaxed. I was really looking forward to the archery, I hadn't played a game since the veiling... Since the darkness.

But today felt special. Felt new.

I got out from the water and changed from my nightgown to a long pair of black trousers that were baggy around the end but folded inwards. Then a white top that hung of my shoulders and had long sleeves. Finally a lavender coloured over shirt and a pair of boots.

One more thing, dragging it out from under the bed a large chest with curled pattern, like air.

I unlocked it, mother would kill me if she knew that I had brought it along, but like that ever stopped me before. My bow and arrows, they were so pretty. The design of flames on the side of the wood, the beautiful intricate feathers on the arrows that cut through the air. It pained me to see them covered in dust, old and in used. They had taken to off me during the veiling but I got them back, this didn't make me any less angry at myself for letting them do such a thing, for letting him do such a thing.


Loki had said behind the castle next to the lake, just by the biggest oak tree. I walk through the shrubbery and I could honestly say. Asgard is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I took a moment to take in the colours the gorgeuss sceary of wildlife. The twisting winding trees, the branches reaching out to shake hands. All the brambles covered in fruits that I wouldn't mind eating. I could stay here for eternity, what an eternity it would be. Its so quite, so peaceful so-

"Sif! You almost hit me!" The shout rung over and I jumped. I bit my tounge so I didn't scream, the shouting was coming from behind a layer of steatching vines. I moved through them and emerged into a clearing.

An arrow landed by my ear, I felt the brisk air give me a serge of what could only be described as excitement.

"Sorry Lofn. I didn't know who you were and freaked out" Thor had a bow in his hand and looked shamed. And your first option is to shoot them!

"Its fine" I kept my cool. I pulled the arrow from the bundle of leaves it had been hurtled into and tossed it to Thor. I look around, Thor, Lady Sif and Loki, who was fiddling with somthing leaning against a tree.

He looked like he always did, armor on his wrists and chest, covered in the glorious shade of green that complemented his body so well. He seemed totally focused on whatever was in his hands.

I looked at lady Sif who was running her fingers along the bow string, she was amazing, I had heard tales about her was I was a younger, THE lady Sif, the first femal royal knight. She was so skilled on the field of battle enemy's would run from only a flash of her sword.

I used to look up to her but my mother had said she was nothing but a problem, thinking she was as good as a man. My sisters thought I was insane to want to be on a battle field, I was wrong and I should stop focusing on whiled fantasies. But she was always so cool.

"Your Lofn aren't you" she stood up and rushed over and patted me on the back.

"I can't believe I get to meet the rebel of the allfather" I help up my hands in defense

"I don't do that anymore. I promise" Sif laughed at me,

"Don't worry I'm not saying you do". Loki and Thor just looked completely bewildered.

"Oh come on, she's THE lofn! I thought at least you would know with all your books Loki". He just shrugged his shoulders. I'm kind of glad Loki didn't know what had happened, I mean he would just see me the way everyone else did.

"So where is she?" Came a voice emerging from the bushes behind them. The warriors of three apeard, the great Volstag, Fandral and Hogan look at Thor exchanging handshakes and cheers. Finally there eyes landed on me, they all seemed to smile.

The next moments past like a blur filled with hugging and laughs, they patted me on the back and said things like,

"So glad to meet you" and "its a real pleasure"

I found myself once again defending my innocence,

"So how does it feel Thor, to be marring your fathers Betrayer" Fandral said. Now the topic of marriage was still fragile but that wasn't going to let his walk on my pride.

"I did not betray him", he walked to wards me.

"Look I'm not judging you for it, I know its all in the past. . Frandral said holding his hands up in defence.

"Wait, when did this happen?!" Thor looked extremely confused and obviously had no idea what was going on.

"I suppose they wouldn't tell you would they. I mean, if you found out about what she did, it would give you a reason to fight". Volstag was shaking his head. Thor was just looking at me like I was a puzzle to perplexing to even begin to compromise. i wondered weather i should explain or not. Maybe if i told them my story it would stop them from hearing another later.

Suddenly, like a storm loki was off, away, armor and all. He didnt speak, didn't say goodbye or make any sign of even noticing all of us chattering away, which made me sad. I dont know why, i never really craved attention before, i had learned that back then during the veiling. You can scream and shout as loud as you choose but no one will ever give you attention. Well not the kind of attention you want, or from who you want it off. It was always Sjofn (Pronunciation: See-off-en) who cried, never me. So why was it when the prince wasnt looking at me i felt somewhat dissapointed, yes he was handsom but had i truly become that lonley.

"i wonder where he's off to this time..." Lady Sif watched as he strolled with pride through the bushes and brambles. Thor looked folorn, did he love his brother so much that he couldn't even shoot arrows without him... awh thats sweet.

"I apolegies for Loki, he hasnt been the same since he went a bit mad-" Fandral started to say but he was iterrupted by Thor with quite and outstanding yell.

"-MY BROTHER ISN'T MAD AND I'D LIKE YOU TO SHOW HIM SOME RESPECT!" i couldn't help but find the sheer defence he had towards his brother sweet. Of course i already knew about Loki, Asgard had tried to keep it hush hush, but i have a way of getting secrets out of people. Even though i was living in Alfheim and had heard little of the younger prince i did manage to remove the lid on the crime he had commited. He had gained an illness of the mind and tried to destroy Jountenhiem . I didnt hold it agaisnt him because i'd hate for him to Judge me based on what i use to be like (reference).

Somehow my mind had wondered and the conversation was about something completely different. I removed the bow off my chest and fiddled with it until its balance was perfect.

"Is that designed? Your bow i mean?" Hogan gazed at the intrecet patterns of her bow

"Ah, thats right your from Alfhiem, i've been meaning to ask you a question?" Thor spoke with full pride noticing that he actually new something about her.

"where are my ears, my mystical markings my piculiar coloured eyes and hair" she got this question all the time, like this she did look quite normal, wavey chestnut hair, blue eyes, completely rounded ears, unmarked arms. Nope, not a trace of Elf to be seen.

"its seeming magic, it makes people see what i want them to. I can cover up my markings, i can change my eye colour, hair colours, the basics. It's just so i fit in better when im like this" i said, waving off the question, i really didn't want to go into anymore detail about that.

"Okay, boys stop harrassing the poor girl and lets do some archery" Lady Sif said coffidently.

My chest was hurting, Sojfn isnt here and the effects were finally taking there toll. I smiled and tried to block out the emptiness i was feeling. she just had to hold on a little longer, she would be here soon, but how much longer could i stand this pain?

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