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The members were all sitting in the dorm. All except one.
Youngjae is out "shopping" but what the members don't know is that he's actually getting a pet.

Now he knows that he can't have his pet living with them so he asked his parents if it was okay for him to stay there sometimes. To which they agreed.
The members waiting for the youngest to be back, which was taking awhile, so they decided to watch a couple movies.

Suddenly Taeil and Yuta hear jingling coming from the door. They both looked at each other before looking at the door, obviously knowing that is was going to be Youngjae who walks through the door.

But what they didn't expect was to see Youngjae holding a puppy in his arms while slowly rocking the puppy like a baby.
Hearing the door open gained the attention of the others.

All around the room you can hear gasps. Youngjae looks up from the puppy with a goofy smile on his face. Taeyong gets up from the floor and rushes to the short boy holding an even smaller puppy.
Taeyong awes at the big brown eyes staring at him with a hint of fear. He carefully pets the puppy on the head and under his chin.

"What's her name?!" Asked Haechan who was now also walking towards them. The members following as well.

The pink haired boy lets out a small laugh. "His name is Bambi." He states to the rest of the boys who were all crowded around him.

Jungwoo spreads his arms forward, "Can I hold him?" Youngjae nods his head while carefully placing the small thing into UWU's arms.

"He might be a little scared at first, I did get him from a shelter y'know.."

The taller smiles at the puppy before going to sit down on the couch with the members surrounding him.
While Bambi was getting to be around the members Youngjae takes his coat off and slides his sneakers off as well.

Hanging from his arm was a bag full of food and toys for the puppy. Youngjae had talked to his manager and they both agreed on Bambi staying with Youngjae for about a month so he could get to know his own dog before sending him off to his parents.

Youngjae placed a double sided doggie bowl down and filled it with food and water.
He carefully stood back up from his crouched position only to turn around and bump into a chest.
The boy froze.

Slowly, Youngjae looked up and saw Johnny looking down at him with a small smile. The shorter male backed up a bit. "Yes?"

Johnny bounced up onto the counter, sitting peacefully. "So, why'd you decide to get a puppy?" He asked. The tall individual began kicking his feet back and forth.
Youngjae shrugged. He didn't have an exact reason for rescuing the poor puppy. He just saw him and immediately fell in love.

"Honestly, I don't have a reason..." He trails off looking towards the members playing with Bambi. "He just looked so unique." He finished.

Johnny had a smirk on his face. Not one of cheekiness but one of amusement. He found it amusing how much Youngjae's eyes sparkled when talking about the puppy.
Johnny nodded in understanding. Johnny hopped off the counter and walks towards the rest of the members.

Not before winking at the small boy who was now behind him. Leaving a flustered midget in the kitchen.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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