The Detective Introduce

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A story i Made. One day there's a detective who live in Ormanon Ville that named Shadow, and his Sidekick Sonic. Shadow was known as the greatest detective in the town because his famous investigation. Everytime there's something happened (just like stoler or murderer) all people in Ormanon Ville asking help to Shadow for solving the case.

One day in a gloomy rainy day

(Monday 19:45 PM)

Shadow: Sonic is there a new call for a case?

*Sonic is shaking his head as no*

Sonic: Uhh no sir. There's no new call for a case.

Shadow: *groan* looks like there's nothing happened lately in this town, after the robbery incident that happened in Mrs. Rose mansion 10 days ago.

Sonic: Yes sir. Looks like everyone in this town already know your famous investigation to solve mystery in here so they don't brave to messing around in this town.

Shadow: *Humming*

Suddenly someone knocking the detective office frontdoor. Shadow go open the door to see who is at the frontdoor. He open the door and see a female teenager echidna

Jena: Ohh thank glad to see you detective Shadow

Shadow: What's your problem?

Jena: My files is lost when i just arrived at home. I just put it in my car, but when i searching for it, its missing.

Shadow: don't worry i will found your files.

Shadow takes his detective tools, wearing his coat, and before he left his office he yells to his sidekick.

Shadow: Sonic keep on eye for the office while im gone ok?!

Sonic: *nod* okay

Shadow close his office door and go to the female echidna's house. When they arrived Jena asking shadow to come in, but shadow is decline it and start to investigate the car.

Shadow: You said you lost your files in your car?

Jena: Yes i put at the backseat on that pink jacket, but when i search it, it gone.

Shadow humming and lookin at the backseat, he start to lookin the stuff in the backseat, when he get the pink jacket he didnt found the files, but he found a clue, that was a bunch of photos. He lookin at the photos and found that photo is Jena and her friends. He asking Jena to get in to her house and they get in to the house. They were in the fireplace sitting on the chair, and shadow start to asking about the photos that he found in the car.

Shadow: Miss echidna is this you and your friends in the picture?

Jena: OMG where do you find those photos? My friend Elisa should bring that to her house so she can put that in her "Friends memorable moment" book

Jena is suprised when shadow found those photos in the car

Shadow: Just like i thought, Miss echidna I think your friend Elisa is taking your files, because if she left these photos on you car, that mean she take your files not the photos

Jena: OMG are you sure? I cant believe she is careless again

Shadow: *Humming* if you don't believe it try to call her and ask her about the photos and your files.

Suddenly a phone just got ringing. It was Jena's phone

Jena: Owh its Elisa, *pick up the phone* Hello? Yes those are my files, you take the wrong stuff again sister *laughing*, your photos is still with me idiot, you Careless *laughing*, ok bring my files back and take your photos in my house, ok *put off the phone*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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