Chapter Sixteen

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"What is love without lust?"
- Anonymous

****Warning- depictions of sexual activity are present in this chapter. Reader discretion is advised****

No answer.

The floorboards cracked underneath my weight. I debated going inside, fearing I'd be overstepping boundaries into Brahms' privacy.

You can't fight your feelings.

The urge I had to run and jump on him was overwhelming. I couldn't not be around him. It was impossible.

Yanking on a few strands of hair to distract myself from the open door leading into the walls and potentially to the tall looming man who owned them, I bit my lip.

It didn't work. I was still yearning to see him.

Don't go in there. Don't go near him. Walk away.

"No." I said aloud. "I'm doing this." I wanted to.

I took a small step into the swallowing darkness before me. "Brahms?" I called once more, feeling the confidence draining from my body.

Pure silence was the only thing that answered me.

Bad idea. Just go upstairs.

"No." I firmly stated, louder than before. There was no way I was going to ruin this.

A slight shuffle could be heard in the distance, I strained my eyes to hopefully see a shadow moving in the blackness, but I was unsuccessful.

Impatient, I began to walk in. Cautiously, I felt around the walls on either side of me as I walked through them hoping I wouldn't trip or slip on the uneven floorboards.

After what seemed like ages maneuvering my way through the dusty walls, I cam across a light. It must've been Brahms' room.

I pulled back the door and peered inside. Brahms was sitting on his bed, head in hands staring at his feet. I parted my lips as if to say something but ultimately decided against it. Watching him sitting there seeming deep in thought, I didn't want to disturb him.

As if he knew I was there the whole time, Brahms slowly raised his head to face me. His face was stone, but his eyes seeped a different emotion I couldn't quite peg.

"Brahms?" My voice came out in a tiny whisper.

Brahms didn't answer, instead he stood up and lunged toward me. I didn't flinch, within a second I was enveloped in his arms.

I took a shaky breath and tightly wrapped my arms around his neck. His body radiated warmth which in turn heated my chilled frame.

We stayed still wrapped up in each other for a while. Our breaths were steady and even, and our hearts were the only sound that could be heard.

"Kátalin?" Brahms mumbled in my hair.

"Hmm." I responded, distracted by his lingering scent in my nostrils.

"Do you think I'm a William Darcy?"

He spoke with dread in his voice.

I grinned to myself, "only if I'm not an Elizabeth Bennett."

Brahms kissed the top of my head, "never."

It really confused me. This odd relationship that I had with Brahms. What was it?

I wanted to know. I wouldn't be able to settle without knowing.

"Brahms?" I asked, suddenly terrified to speak.

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