
18 2 3


(Verse 1)

F Am G C

I put everything I had into these words

She didn't even try but she still gets more love in this world

I don't want to be jealous but I can't help but feel that it's unfair

She doesn't treat me right but still, she gets all of their care


Nobody knows, what's behind the mask

They all think that she's perfect and don't bother to ask

But inside it's different, she treats me so bad

She's made me feel worthless, and so much more sad

(Verse 2)

Sometimes I wish that someone knew

That all of these feelings just aren't brand new

I've wanted to leave her for so so long

But everyone will hate me if I sing her this song


Nobody knows, what's behind the mask

They all think that she's perfect and don't bother to ask

But inside it's different, she treats me so bad

She's made me feel worthless, and so much more sad

(Verse 3)

I'm so tired of people using me

Whether that be for my weakness or mentality

But if I tell them, everyone will leave

And I need friends, I can't be lonely


Nobody knows, what's behind the mask

They all think that she's perfect and don't bother to ask

But inside it's different, she treats me so bad

She's made me feel worthless, and so much more sad

(Verse 4)

This isn't the first time I've been treated this way

It won't be the last and it won't end today

But maybe, someday, I'll have the courage to leave

And be as brave as I've always wanted to be

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