Consumes my Mind

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Consumes my Mind

The sky is black as night

Nobody's safe till light

The air is cold outside

It's cloudy when it should be bright

The darkness consumes my mind

And every thought inside

Will I be free from this life

That always makes me cry

The wind blows strong against my thoughts

As I try to be worth what I'm not

I hope someday I can find a way

To be someone that's okay

The darkness consumes my mind

And every thought inside

Will I be free from this life

That always makes me cry

Will I ever be free from these thoughts

That haunt me whether I like it or not

Sometimes I wish I could just go away

But I guess that I'll try to stay

The darkness consumes my mind

And every thought inside

Will I be free from this life

That always makes me cry


Sometimes I wish I could be happy

But I just have to live with this reality

Sometimes I wish I could be different

But I'll just have to deal with what I'm given

The darkness consumes my mind

And every thought inside

Will I be free from this life

That always makes me cry

A/N Sorry for being so late but as an apology, I'm posting either three or four songs today. I haven't decided yet. At least three. I really am sorry. See you tomorrow. Oh, btw, I might have to change it to like one song a day or one song every other day, idk. Thought I'd let you guys know before I make any final decisions. Please let me know what you think about that.

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