New Chances

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Hi I'm new to this. I never wrote stuff like this so if it don't seem right to y'all please let me know.

Thanks a lot :)

Lisa POV

I was at home pack up my clothes for a competition to be in a girl group with my friend Rosé. Me and her has been friends for a very long time now. We basically do everything like sisters. So I packed every piece of clothing that I could fit into my suit case to leave for LA. Rosé called and asked if I was ready and I told her that I will be down in a sec. I rushed by throwing everything in my purse and ran out of the door.

As I hop in the car she said ready to go and I said ready as I'll every be. We raced down the streets going to the airport to catch our fight. We ran through the airport to catch our flight because our flight was about to take off. We made it to the gates where we was suppose to catch our flight. The lady behind the desk said that we made it just in time. We handed our airplane tickets to her as she opened the cockpit doors for us to enter the plane. I took the seat close to the window so I can look out of the widow as the plane took off. I started humming to myself because the plane ride was way longer than I expected it to be.

When we landed in LA I was so excited that I nearly jumped out of the plane. As we made our way through the airport my friend spotted a sign that had our names on it. The drivers asked for our names and I said that my name is Lisa and that my friend name is Rosé. The guy said that he was here to pick us up and drop us off at our hotel which we will be staying at. As we walked towards that car I noticed that it was a limo and it was pink bight pink with a black line through the middle. We got into the limo and it was filled with mad stuff. It had ( candy, wine, etc). I told Rosé that I can get used to this but all she said was that I might like it now but I will never know what will happen in the future. All I could do was shake my head.

The limo pulled up in front of the hotel there were reported and photographers there waiting to take our picture. We stepped out of the limo and they started coming forward asking questions and taking pics all at the same time. A security guard came out of the building and helped us get into the hotel safely. We said thank you to him and made our way to our room for a little rest because we had jet lag from the airplane ride. We was in room 4897 which was all the way at the top of the building. The room was gorgeous. It was covered in baby blue and white which was to die for. I ran to the first bed that was covered with chocolate and said that I called dibs on it. Rosé just started at me and stared laughing hard because I never acted this way before. I got off the bed and started unpacking my clothes. There was a knock on the door I went to go open it. It was the host at the door letting us know that we have to be at the studio tomorrow morning by 8 to go over our song for the talent show.

Me and Rosé went to to the lobby to meet the other competitors that was going to go against us. We went around to say hi to them and to make friends. After we did all of that we went back to our room and order in for food. We ordered chicken ceasar salad with sparkling water. When the food arrived we turned on the television to watch soap dramas. When I woke up I realized that we had feel asleep on the couch while watching TV. I hurried up and woke up Rosé and said that we need to hurry up and get ready before we are late so we rushed to get washed up and dressed to go to the studio. We got to the studio by 7:50 just before 8 for our time in the studio.

Later that day when we got done with going over our song for the competition we was puckered out from practice. When we got back to our room we collapsed on to our beds and fell asleep but the sound of the phone ringing woked us back up. I got up and answered the phone tiredly. It was my mother asking me if I made it to LA safely and how was it here. I told her that I made it safely with Rosé and that I just got done with going over the song that me and Rosé was going to preform for America Got Talent. Mom wished me and Rose good luck and hope that we will win and I told mom thanks and goodnight as I went back to sleep.

Plz comment and tell me what you think
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I will update when I am free.

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