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Sharks POV:

It was a nice calming time in our Kingdom called Unique Pearl,
The king was talking with his wife and the princess was who knows where..
I sigh and swim pass the kingdom going to my small home that I shared with my father..My mother passed away..Evil humans got her..We were once fine with humans until they turned on us now we are hidden to were no one knows if we are even alive anymore..
But after mother passed away..Father became a little Depressed and becomes more angry easily so I always make sure to not get on that angry side of him..I only witnessed it a couple times.

"Father I'm home!"

He just grunts and turn away from me looking at the wall that had a family photo of us..

"Are you hungry father?"

"Leave me alone boy."

"O-okay I'm going to my room now.."

I sigh sadly and swim off to my bedroom..It has a chest in the corner that has all of my stuff and a seaweed rock made bed and a hole in the roof so light can come in I also had a baby pet shark...
Key word: 'had' rid of it..He said 'I don't want this pest around I already have one annoying pest that lives with me..'
I'm that other pest..But don't worry my friend is taking care of my pet Oh yeah also its name is 'SHARKY'
I couldn't think of a better name..


"Coming father!"

I swim over to the kitchen to only be slapped by my father on the face..That's gonna leave a mark..I get tears in my eyes as I look up at him in the eyes.

"Never Ever call me father...its your fault she is dead."

"Yes sir.."

Flash back:

I was four years old and was swimming around giggling as my mother chased me laughing And the humans and mermaids stopped being friends long before I was born.
I was swimming faster but stopped as soon as a net fell around me keeping me trapped.


I looked up at the giant whale and was wondering who was on the poor creature talking.


Father and mother came swimming to me..Mother cut the nets but got a sharp looking metal stabbed in her fin and she was dragged up onto the giant whale screaming..
Me and father swam away back home..He was so nice to me until I became 10 years old..And I would move away since I'm old enough but knew Even though father hates me That I have to take care of him or he would give up on life.

~end of flashback~

Tears started falling I then look down to see I made dinner during my flashback..
I sighed and put the food on the stone table in front of father and then swam towards the opening of the home(Like a front door but an opening cave entrance for them)

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