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Sharks POV:

I couldn't get the human captain boy out of my head..
'I mean I did kinda find him attractive..No No!..We can't fall in love with humans..'
I sigh floating above the water with my tail swishing a little..I also had my eyes closed while lost in thought..I didn't know my name was called and that someone jumped in the water coming to me..
Until I was picked up from my waist This caused me to open my eyes quickly and do a small squeak as whoever grabbed me Spun us in circles in the water..
I looked to see that it was sabre with his hands on my waist and that he was lifting me up not caring that he was now wet from the ocean.

"U-um..What a-are you d-d-doing?"

"Well since you couldn't hear me calling your name I decided to come and snap you out of your thoughts."



I saw sabre glare at moose as it was morning and we are waiting for brick boss to get here..But as soon as moose said that I blushed Bright red And got free from sabre grip diving under water and swimming away But from the corner of my eye I saw my two besties glare at the humans before swimming after me..I soon stop at a small cave me and my friends hang out at.

"Hey shark buddy you okay?"


"I can't believe he said that Us Mer cant be with Humans! And We barely Met yesterday!!"

"C-calm down goldy.."


"Its okay..But we still gotta be careful around them..They can be lying to us and wants us to follow there wale called 'ship' so they can capture us.."

Sabre POV:

I sighed in relief when those merman and mermaid left and looked back at my friends.

"For those three we can get four big chests Full of gold and Since that female one is a princess we may get way more if her father wants her back."

"I don't know...I mean do we have to trick,capture them and hand them over to the enemies.."

"Well if we do this we won't be enemies anymore and My crew will have a better ship and home to live In."

"B-but..I agree with Unicorn...those merFolk saved us and where..Just gonna use them for money..And sell them to beasts.."

"T-tina..Unicorn..We have to do this I know it sucks Tricking them and capturing them but there just our enemies as well just merfolk Plus we barely met them so they ain't important to us.."

They just nod there heads silently and right when they do that the three Merfolk popped there heads out of the water..The girl one smiling,The boy one with orange hair by her playing with something in his hands..And the boy one named shark stayed in the far back looking unsure as if he doesn't trust us..Oh no..I hope he doesn't find out or we won't have no money And still be enemies with the other kingdom of the Prince..
That shark boy may be a little harder to catch seeing he doesn't really trust us humans..
Right when we were about to talk Our friends ship came causing the merfolk to hide in the water not being seen.

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