The rebirth...

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The human killed everyone including my brother.

Well almost everyone, they haven't gotten to the queen yet. I will do my best to make sure they don't get to the queen but I'm not sure how long I'll be able to hold out.

I haven't seen them since this all started after they killed my precious brother. That means I haven't been able to check their LV. I just need to wait and check before I battle against them.

So I waited for them in the judgement hall. It took them a while before they were actually here. I actually had time to grab some things before they got here.

Which included food, something to drink, and a few other things as well. I killed them immediately, I saw how high their LV was and I didn't like it. I think they killed everyone but the queen and I by now.

Which horrified me, I then blinked. Wait what? How are they alive again? I just killed them, so how? I though killing them immediately again. I stared, waiting as they came back and touch something.

What the heck are they doing? Was that what was keeping them from fully dying? I thought as I noticed a yellow star kind of thing. How come I've never seen it before? I thought attacking and this time they dodged. I killed them after they dodged that one. I guess they are getting used to my attack pattern or trying to at least.

Hmm..that's going to complicate things...I should change my attack pattern so they can't get use to it.

I thought and started changing it up every time I killed them. I lost count of how many times I've killed them after seven hundred. I didn't bother with counting anymore after that.

I was frowning now, ok this is getting annoying but I won't let them pass me so easily to get to the queen.

Just no, so I stayed there killing them over and over again. They were somewhat getting used to my changing my attack patterns and that was bad for me. I tried new ways to attacking them, it worked for a good long while.

Until they started keeping an eye on something. I  was a bit confused as to why they were looking somewhere behind me.

I wasn't going to check because that would give them an opportunity to attack me close up.

I killed them real quick and checked behind me to see nothing. That's a relief I thought looking back to see them charging at me. I killed them again. I wonder when this will end? I thought.

I'm pretty sure it's been over a thousand times that I've killed them. Maybe I should call it a reset? I do remember it once where we made it to the surface before we were back here again. Hmm.. I don't know what to really call them besides this being a genocide route and the one before it was a pacifist route. I don't know if there is more then one pacifist route or not because the first time we met, they ended up freeing us to the surface. The second time is now, which I call a genocide route.

I guess I'll just call the old one a true pacifist route since they freed us and didn't leave us trapped down here. I thought killing them over and over again.

When will this kid give up? I thought. I wanted my brother back.. I wanted them all to be alive and not dead because of them..because of chara.. this time they actually managed to get closer then usually since I got somewhat distracted before I killed them.

This went on and on for a long time. I don't know how many times it's been since we have been in this loop king of thing, but..I'm not happy.. they should just stay dead. That way I wouldn't have to kill them over and over again. I bet it hurts to die since how I have been killing them is a bit brutal. I don't deny killing them brutally quite a few times. That was for everyone they killed. They will feel the pain of dying over and over again until they either give up or I die.

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