Meet error

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So it's been a bit weird to be the only angel while the others were either demons, or something else. But I've gotten used to it, the one part I'm not to used to is the bit possessive part from them.

I get that I'm the only angel but I'm also not a thing, if they ever think I'm one of their things and say it too. I will leave without a second thought.

It has been quite some time since we all died and ended up here. I thought, it's almost been a year since I've been here. No more resets, I thought feeling pleased. That's when I felt something was off, I thought and looked around from where I was walking.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I said and continued to look around.

I didn't see anything but I kept my guard up a bit and started walking again, this time though I ended up dodging..strings? I feel a bit confused.

"Whose there?" I said looking around once more. This time I hear a chuckle and I saw someone no some skeleton walking towards me. I feel a bit concerned, because should he be glitching like that?

I thought and moved a bit closer, "are you ok? I don't know if it's normal for you to glitch like that.." I said and he blinked with a hint of surprise.

"Oh huh yes this is normal as far as I remember...this au is different from the other underswaps....I'm going to check something real quick, don't move." He said and I just stayed there.

He was scanning some weird screen that popped up out of no where and I saw his surprise. I tilted my head, "so your the only angel out of all of them? And you all already died? Hmm.. this is so different and it's not just an underswap au's angelswap and underswap? How is that even possible!? Does this mean I can't get rid of this au if they all already died?" I heard him mutter to himself. I blinked, why did he want to destroy Oh wait does that mean alternative universe? How many are there? Were there too many or something? I wondered.

"So why did you want to destroy this place?" I asked him and he blinked. Looking up at me, "there are too many's my job to make sure there aren't too many but that damn squid keeps making more each day." He said and his strings wrapped around me.

I just tilted my head, already knowing he won't hurt me.

Unfortunately for me, my brother did not know that when he was walking by and saw both me and the stranger. His demon side got more protective and he started to attack or more like "let go off my brother!"

Which apparently startled him enough that he made a portal and took off, forgetting that he had me in his strings and I saw another portal opened up except it

I just stared at my bro who was charging straight at this portal that I just went through and it closed.

"Hello? Did you forget I was still in your strings?" I said and he flinched and glanced behind himself and noticed me.

"Oh sh**. Sorry I didn't mean to drag you in with me." He said and I just nodded at that.

"Yeah it's ok, by the way I never got your name... and should I get a nickname? Since You said there are many aus and all." I said and he nodded at that.

"I'm error, what kind a nickname should you have?" Error said.

I thought about it for a bit, " there anyone called angel?" I asked him and he shook his head for a no. That's it then, I'm calling myself angel when I'm out of my world or au.

I thought and waited for a bit, error started watching something in..Spanish? I blinked, "did you forget I'm here?" I asked and error flinched and looked back with a guilty expression.

"Yeah sorry about you mind staying a bit longer? I'm pretty sure inks still there talking to your brother. When I'm sure he's gone I'll take you back." Error said letting me out of the strings and I sat near him.

"Ok. Just hope he doesn't do anything in my au or else the others might get...irritated or something.." I told him and error went back to watching the Spanish au. I watched along with him.

Meanwhile back to angels brother.

"...what do you mean it was the destroyer of aus who took my brother!?" Angels brother yelled out not happy.

The sans of that au was thinking, he better not hurt my brother! Demon underswap sans thought.

"Uh yeah, so come with me and I'll find a way to help you get your brother back!" Ink told this sans.

"...fine..but it better help me get my brother demons..tend to get possessive of the only angel around.." demon sans said and followed ink into the portal.

The other sans and papyrus's from different aus stared at this new different sans without his brother.

"Ok everyone! Meet angelswap and underswap mix au sans. His brother was kidnapped by error. So we need a plan to get his brother back or this sans will probably rampage across the multiverse trying to find his brother. So what should we call you?" Ink asked demon sans.

"Hm? Well my brother is probably going to want to be called I'll be devil or demon. Either one works for me. I don't know what else to be called but if I can up with a better nickname then I'll chose that but for now it's devil or demon." Devil said.

And they all started planning a way to get devils brother back from error.

____*______*____*____*_____*______* finally finished with 998 words! Yay! Sorry for the wait. I was stuck on this chapter, hope you like and comment what you think. Ja ne~!

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