Sleeping beauty (narry minific)

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"Niall get your worthless ass here now before i beat the shit out of your filthy peasant!"

It was the voice i dreaded the most it made my blood run cold made me want to run and never come back but i knew better then to run i will never make it out i was trapped she had me for good. I quickly ran down the gold encrusted halls as fast as my legs could take me. I found myself at her door i walked in even the sight if her made me cringe her dark black hairy tightly tied back in a high pony her dark almost black eyes piercing into mine. Last but not least that smirk i wish i could just punch it right off. I knew that smirk all to well she was going to beat me again i really didn't want to be beaten

I already had bruises scattered over my pale skinny torso which made it hard to sleep it didn't really help most nights i slept on hay in the horses pen since i was to unworthy to sleep inside, my eye had a sickly yellow bruise making it hard to see.

"What took you so long you little shit Uh? to busy fucking the chef you disgusting fag"

All i felt was pain when her skinny bony hand make contact to my jaw i felt the blood trickle down my chin but she want done she elbowed me in my bruised stomach making topple over in pain tears filled my eyes i really didn't want to live anymore it never stops the constant beatings chores and names that bring bad the most painful memories.

You're probably wondering why i'm here. Well my mother passed away when i was only six. She was my everything when i found out she was sick and dieing i didn't cry because i thought i was stuck in a nightmare but no matter how hard i pinched my milky skin i was never woken from this nightmare i now call reality.

She always told me to be strong and be proud of who i am and my sexuality but i could never do it i was weak ugly and bullied for who i am i would always sit alone at lunch while people chucked food at me and everyone laughed no teachers ever helped they all thought i was a disease an alien i was never going to be accepted . My only friend was my mother now she is gone i have nothing left.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a shooting pain making my eyes water and a silent scream leaving my blood cover lips everything looked fuzzy blood trickled down my face my whole body ached. I closed my eyes hoping it would help me feel less dizzy but it didn't work my breaths came out in short huffs i choked on my own tears i was a mess i would never have a family a lover a friends i was so worthless.

"Take him to the cave get this disgusting fag out of my sight! NOW!"

I heard a lot of shuffling before two strong arms lifted me up roughly

"Fags like you deserve to suffer"

Paul's voice was laced with disgust and hate. I whimpered in pain as he dig his fingers in my fresh bruises that's all i remember before everything turned black. What was going to happen to me? Was i dead i truly hope so maybe i will be able to she my mother again i miss her. I was only ever strong to make her happy to make her proud

Please :)

Sleeping beauty (Narry AU minific)Where stories live. Discover now