Episode 8 part 2

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I got my first fanart , I'm so happy!!!!

It's from General_Boscha


And Luis with Gemma_

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And Luis with Gemma

"Are sunglasses really that needed?" Asked Luis in Tess's body

"Of course , how else are we gonna relax our eyes from the sun" said Eda in King's body as she put a pair of sunglasses on Luis's face "and they look good"

"I don't have eyes but sure , whatever you say" said Luis accepting Eda's logic

Then they walked around the streets , getting awws from nearly everyone who laid eyes on them


"Stop right there!" Yelled a guard who was with a (dog?)

"An emperor's guard" whispered Eda in surprise

"Oh no , what do we do?" Whispered Luis panicking "I don't know how to fight in this body"

"You thought you two could get away with it , didn't you?!" Said the guard

"Wait , you know who we are?" Asked Eda

"Of course I do , you're....the cutest little angels I've ever seen , who wants a loli?!" Said the guard before offering Eda and Luis lollipops

"Hah! That's more like it" said Eda as she began mocking the guard's dog?

"Hey, you look familiar ,do I know you?" The guard asked Luis "I feel like I should really know you"

"Uhh noooooo~ , not that I know of... heh heh heh. nope not suspicious at all" said Luis in a panic

"Oh , okay then , carry on" said guard before waving

Then Eda and Luis left the guard alone wondering why that box creature looked familiar


"Whew, nearly got caught. I think these sunglasses helped" said Luis before stopping to fling the sunglasses away"or maybe they're just stupid"

Then he followed Eda to see 2 old women looking down at her

"Look at this lost little dumpling" said one the old ladies as she carried Eda off the ground

"What's that?" said Eda confused "hey! I'm not lost! Luis! Help me out here!"

"Oh look! They have a little friend with them" said the first lady pointing at Luis

Then the second lady walked to Luis and carried him too

"Do you need us to make you a lovely meal" said the first lady kindly

"Hey I'm no_" Eda was about to protest but fell for the belly scratches

"Well i guess I could try , what's the worst that can happen" said Luis before he and Eda were taken through a suspicious alleyway

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