Chapter 1

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"You have chosen, 'Mark Fischbach'. Is that correct?" The voice from the lit screen asked.

The grey skinned man that sat in front of the screen nodded, "yes... that's correct." The man clicked the 'Yes.' Option on the screen, making it disappear and now the screen showed an pink theme.

"Thank you. If you wish to start over, click 'options.'." The robotic voice spoke before leaving the dark skinned man to play the game before him. The title "Dream Of Me" showed, before showing the beginning of the game. 'You are new to the neighborhood.' Your character spoke on the game.

The man behind the screen, his name is Damien. But many prefer to address him as 'Dark.' A name that stuck with him for years. His wavy mess of black hair leaned over the side of his face as his darkened eyes stayed on the screen of his computer. Even though there was others in his house, no one seemed to know where he was at the moment.

"Welcome to the neighborhood," another voice spoke in the video game, Darks attention directed towards the voice, realizing it was the man he had chosen from the start. Mark Fischbach. Weird last name... but he didn't mind it. He stayed quiet as he played the game. His options showed on the screen

'I'm glad to be here.'
'I don't feel very welcome.'

Dark had clicked on the 'Thanks.' Even though he would've said different, he didn't question the game. The red haired male on the screen showed a pearly white smile, his black hair to the side of his face like Darks, he looked like him actually... but he didn't care to comment.

"You can turn on your microphone if you want!" Mark spoke, Dark raised his eyebrow, he saw the option at the bottom of the screen, he moved his mouse down and clicked on it, "there, now I can be able to hear you," Mark spoke, his voice almost sounded human.. not like an A.I.. Dark appreciates this.

"Dream Of Me... what a weird name..." Dark spoke to himself, "it is, isn't it?" Mark spoke back, Dark seemed confused, he didn't expect the man on his screen to understand, he had downloaded the game out of his missing for romance... he desired to be in love with someone, he wanted to make his next sexual encounter his last, with either man or woman. Dark is bisexual, many had thought he was straight, or asexual because of his dark tone.

others thought he was gay, because of maybe the same reason. But he was neither of the options. Not many knew his sexuality, other then the servants that lived with him. Some nights he would get drunk and bring home a man or woman to sleep with, the next morning they would be gone.

He craved to have a special someone in his life... he desired it. Though, he didn't want anyone to know of his lack..

"God damnit... I hate having feelings..."

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