Part 1

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Remus Lupin. The no good teachers pet. He could do no wrong in anyone's eyes. He was perfect. And it's why you hated him.

He was able to cut class whenever he wanted and exceeded in all his classes. He didn't even have to try. He could miss every class and still pass. You were jealous he was treated differently, and you didn't know why.

His friends seemed okay with the way he was treated too. Even though they all had to suffer the consequences for their actions.

You were a new prefect and were so excited to start. That was until you found out he was a new prefect too. You thought that you could get away from him and just relax.

He gave you a sweet smile, but you didn't return it. "Let's just get this over with." You said as you walked out of Gryffindor common room.

He looked down wondering why you hated him. In all honesty he really liked you. He would go on and on to his friends about how amazing of a person you seemed. He even blushed some when James and Sirius told him you were the girl prefect.

He pushed your bad attitude towards him aside and figured you just had a bad day. He found it harder and harder to dismiss that when every time you two were assigned to go out together that you would keep a good distance from him.

You never planned on telling him why you disliked him. Just hoping you could just do your job and get it over with. That's it. Nothing more. You knew you were capable of that much.

Remus hated the thought of you possibly not liking him. He admired you and your swiftness and quick thinking. The more you worked together the more he fell for you.

"I think she hates me." He said to Sirius and James one night at dinner as he played with his food.

"What makes you say that?" Sirius asked, wondering if you had said something to his friend and if he needed to show you a piece of his mind.

"She's always keeping her distance from me. Doesn't speak more than two sentences to me when we scout. Doesn't return my 'hi's. It's like she has something against me, but...i never spoke a word to her prior..."

"Want us to talk to her for you?" James asked, wanting to help his friend and get to the bottom of this.

"I don't know...if she hates me...i don't want to find'll crush me considering you two know how I feel about her."

"Don't worry. We'll keep our lips sealed" Sirius reassured him.

Later that night the two approached you as you got ready to go out.

"So why do you hate Remus?" Sirius grabbed your arm kind of roughly.

"Why are you friends with him?" You retorted.

"He's nice and kind and down to earth. You'd be lucky to be friends with a guy like him." James spat.

"Right? And the whole being able to get away with literally anything doesn't bother you? How could you be friends with someone like that?" You yank your arm away and start walking again.

"Whatever you think, it's wrong. He wouldn't ditch classes if he could help it. So you shut your mouth and don't talk to him again. He's better off without you." Sirius then drug James upstairs in a fit of rage. Wanting to punch something for the way she talked about his friend.

Y/n took his advice and never spoke a word to Remus. That made him feel all the more worse. He'd try to get her to talk, but she'd shoot him down quickly.

The following year she quit being a prefect. She couldn't handle being around him. Realising that it's sadly probably not him, but the people he associates with.

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