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The next day spike got Arianna up and they tock the tunnels to the shop . She was still a bit slow but she got there . "Hey you ok ari you look  Tired still ." Said a worried spike.  As the keep walking . " im fine i actually got a good sleep.  "Will you are going to get more of it were just meeting up with Buffy to get a beg and going back right " "hey you sure your ok your shacking " "im fine spick i guess im still tired . "Or hungry I dont know "  he sighs and they get to the shop . "Hey why dont you stay here and read ok i need to talk to buffy . "Ok "

Spike walks in the shop seeing Buffys friends  talking . " whats with all you guys looking worried?"   The others look over to him seeing the Buffy wasnt there yet .

"Were looking for Arianna.  Said Willow she didnt come home lastnight she could kidnapped or something.  Said Xander.  "What dose Buffy think ?"

"We didnt tell her yet "

"tell me what ?" In walks Buffy with a over night beg.

Willow walks over to her .

"Ummmmm will Arianna is missing.  And Buffy laughs a bit. "No shes not " "Buffy she didnt come home last night.  "I know cuz she stayed at spikes place lastnight "
Xander looks at spike and Buffy.  "
" what?"

Buffy sighs.  "Lastnight spike ran into Arianna in the graveyard and she looked  Exhausted. 
So I asked him if she could stay at his place .

"Why would you let him do that ?" Xander asked them .

"Because ever since Buffy came back you guys seem to be putting all the slaying on her Arianna . Said spike.  "Will ya I mean we didnt think buffy should  have to do that"  "but thats not your call guys said Buffy. 

"Arianna is olny a Slayer if im dead.  Now that im back i am and will  be starting to Slay . And you guys lay off My sister." Xander stands up ."this is nuts  where is she I will talk to her .

"Sit yourself down shes safe "  said spike.  Xander looks angry. 

"Like i will listen to you ".

buffy walks over to him "Xander your my friend and that but you will have a fight if you don't sit down."  he dose what is asked and sits down .

Buffy gives spike the beg "here you go " spike nods . " thank you " just keep my sister safe . Said buffy . "I will i promise.  He leaves .

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