Day 182

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FCI Florence
Highway 2
Inmate #66789

So I don't know if you will even get this. Do you get mail in supermax? I've seen enough movies to know that if you do get any mail, the guards open and read it first. And then I suppose it's up to them if they walk the extra mile and deliver it to you, in your cell. Pop won't tell me, all he says is, it's nothing a little girl needs to think about. He said even if inmates got  their letters, they wouldn't want them anyway because, it just reminds them that they're in there and we're out here, that life goes on with out you.

In your cell... it's so weird that you just sit in a tiny concrete room staring at steel bars all day. I'd compare it to what's going on here, but even I can't be that dramatic, even though it feels that way. I've been spending a lot of time at Joe's, you know that place downtown with the Italian cream? I have an arrangement with Giaco  to study there.
So, how's prison?

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